Now Reading...


Actually, a better drinking game would be to take a sip of your adult beverage whenever any band that has played ProgPower USA is mentioned in the book, and a gulp if they're quoted. (You can also take a gulp whenever a photo appears taken by "one of us." :headbang: )

It's THAT kind of awesome read. :worship:
One of the best books I have read in a long time.... I read it start to finish in one sitting. I emailed Shane with the recommendation and he ended up doing the same exact same thing before I told him I did.


When linguist Andrew Dennison is yanked from his bed by the Secret Service and taken to a top secret facility in the desert , he has no idea he's been brought there to translate the words of an ancient demon.

He joins pretty but cold veterinarian Sun Jones, eccentric molecular biologist Dr. Frank Belgium, and a hodge-podge of religious, military, and science personnel to try and figure out if the creature is, indeed, Satan.

But things quickly go bad, and very soon Andy isn't just fighting for his life, but the lives of everyone on earth...

Such a great book...and left totally open for a sequel! Just saw on the author's website that the sequel is on his list of pending projects...should be fun!

Gotta recommend his Jack Daniels thrillers as well. It's all been done before...but not quite to bluntly...tons of low-brain fun!
I'm going to be reading Wise Man's Fear in several hours when it arrives on my Kindle. I wish I had shown foresight and rescheduled all my patients tomorrow.
I'm going to be reading Wise Man's Fear in several hours when it arrives on my Kindle. I wish I had shown foresight and rescheduled all my patients tomorrow.

Awesome. I grabbed it at lunch today. It's quite the beast being almost 1,000 pages.

I am very strict about my fantasy reads these days. However, I urge any of you that gave up on fantasy other than George SloSlo Martin, then do yourself a favor and pick up "The Name of the Wind" (Book 1 in the trilogy) by Patrick Rothfuss.
I am very strict about my fantasy reads these days. However, I urge any of you that gave up on fantasy other than George SloSlo Martin, then do yourself a favor and pick up "The Name of the Wind" (Book 1 in the trilogy) by Patrick Rothfuss.

So am I, and I actually downloaded a "demo" of this book on my Kindle, as it was recommended to me and it sounds highly promising. Have not read it yet.
It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but my friend Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's new novel An Embarrassment of Riches came out today. She's best-known for her historical vampire fiction series that started back in 1978. Her work is full of historical detail while being "human" enough to be relatable.
The Crippled God. I has mine from It's time to read!

I'm reading "Deadhouse Gates" by Erikson (book 2 in The Malazan Book of The Fallen). The first book was a better story, but this one is pretty engaging. He does a really good job of telling a gripping tale of battle. However, his descriptions aren't as clear as some I've read and sometimes that leaves me a bit confused as to who is where.

Good stuff though. I'm glad the series is done and I only just started reading it.

My only gripe is that some of it is VERY derivative of Glen Cook. Since Cook is one of my favorite authors though, that's not that bad.
Ah crap, I forgot Wise Man's Fear was out today - I was thinking it was next week. I'll pick it up this weekend, probably, since my local BAM is terrible at getting books out when they're released and I'm not going to make a trip to B&N til Saturday.

In the meantime, I picked up Nikki Sixx's Heroin Diaries. There's a Relevant To My Interests reason for this, but I'm only 35 pages in with my eyebrows in my hairline - I'm sure this is going to be a fun read.
How was that book? I'm thinking of giving it a go, but I'm afraid it's gonna turn out yet another virus/zombie outbreak novel.

Well, it is a virus outbreak novel, but in the same way that The Stand was just another virus outbreak novel. It's a real epic with unforgettable characters and plenty to think about. I was very satisfied by it.
Happily, BAM had Name of the Wind after all, and I just finished Dragon Keeper (which, true to Hobb's style, starts out slow but gets much more interesting halfway through), so I know what I'll be reading this weekend...
Update: I finished Wise Man's Fear last night after 2 long nights at the hospital. I don't know if this is sleep deprivation talking, but I was just a shade disappointed. We now know why Kvothe is a legendary fighter and lover, but I have that slightly empty feeling that follows a meaningless one night stand.

The ending also has me saying "WTF?"
Perhaps if Scott Lynch gets his issues sorted out, he can join the 2011 Hell Freezes Over club with a new Gentleman Bastards book...