
Already finished the first book in the trilogy, Running With the Demon. About to start on the second book, Knight of the Word, today.
Already finished the first book in the trilogy, Running With the Demon. About to start on the second book, Knight of the Word, today.
Already finished the first book in the trilogy, Running With the Demon. About to start on the second book, Knight of the Word, today.
I thought this trilogy was the best stuff Brooks has ever written.
Of course, that's a bit like praising the best CD Poison ever released, but it's something!
I thought this trilogy was the best stuff Brooks has ever written.
Of course, that's a bit like praising the best CD Poison ever released, but it's something!
Haters gonna hate.
I'm pretty sure The Black Unicorn is Tanith Lee. Unless Brooks has a novel with the same title.
Ken. Dude. Chill.
I'm about 2/3rds of the way through The Wise Man's Fear, and the Felurian escapade has officially turned me off to the point where I'm hesitant to pick the book up again.I WILL finish it, but I don't like feeling like I'm forcing myself to read something I've looked forward to...
Just finished the latest from Lindqvist...much better than the last one Handling the Undead. Then again, maybe I was suffering zombie burnout. Harbour has a nice Lovecraftian feel to it - creeping dread and elemental forces rising from the sea!
(Sorry about the huge image...couldn't get it to stick as a smaller one)