Now Reading...

I just started re-reading Gardens of the Moon, by Erikson. So far, I'm enjoying it quite a bit more than I did the first time (about 10 years ago). I remember thinking it was impossibly thick and I didn't care about any of the characters at all. I'm only about 7% or so into the book, but I already have a different opinion this time through... perhaps it's the increase in my reading comprehension over the last 10 years, or perhaps it's because, last time, it was a library book and I had to read it faster than I wanted to, and I missed out on all kinds of detail that I'm seeing now for the first time.

I abandoned Abercrombie after *SPOILER ALERT*-->the attack on Adua.<--*SPOILER ALERT* I realize I was very close to the end, but I just didn't care anymore. I didn't care about any of the characters; they are all flat except for Collem West, and his role in the series is minimal. The plot twists were generally very predictable, and much of the plot (especially from book 2) seemed pointless to me.
Just finished


and am on to


I was looking for something to read on the plane home, and this got a good writeup somewhere that I can no longer remember. I will say that while I enjoyed it, it's not as good as Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - the characters are mostly pretty flat, and the plot is extremely convoluted - I had a very hard time following along even after The Big Reveal, trying to remember who was who and who had what alias and ... I ended up having to go read a spoilered review before I said "aha, I understand now."

I was looking for something to read on the plane home, and this got a good writeup somewhere that I can no longer remember. I will say that while I enjoyed it, it's not as good as Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - the characters are mostly pretty flat, and the plot is extremely convoluted - I had a very hard time following along even after The Big Reveal, trying to remember who was who and who had what alias and ... I ended up having to go read a spoilered review before I said "aha, I understand now."

I tried one of his books - The Devil's Star I think - and wasn't impressed. Lots of twists, but they were way overdone and fairly predictable. His fanbase is pretty passionate though.
Finished Tanya Huff's Blood Debt and Blood Bank -- really excellent, they're fast reads. She doesn't get anywhere near enough credit in the vampire/horror world for this series.

Figure I'll step into some good SF next; since a few different friends have recommended David Weber's Safehold series I'll start with Off Armageddon Reef soon.
I just finished The Wise Man's Fear. Very good to great. I think I may have liked it as much or more than the first book. Lots of people said the beginning 2/3 were slow, but I found the entire book compelling.

Reading Steven Erikson's House of Chains now (next Malazan Book of the Fallen novel).
Now reading Off Armageddon Reef by David Weber...just started, shaping up to be really good.
I must say it's a bit daunting to start reading a future history where all of humanity, every last interstellar colony plus Earth itself, has been wiped out to a man. (!)

I picked up Hunger Games for the plane ride to New Orleans last week. It's good - good enough that I spent a couple of days in NO fruitlessly looking for this second book but had to wait til I got home to hit the bookstore - but it's a teenager's version of The Running Man/The Long Walk, and I don't find the protagonist especially likable, plus she's conveniently adept in all the "right" skills. The people around her are a lot more interesting, and how they're handling a manipulative authoritarian government that has *no* problem laying the smack down on people who don't play the party line.
Now reading Off Armageddon Reef by David Weber...just started, shaping up to be really good.
I must say it's a bit daunting to start reading a future history where all of humanity, every last interstellar colony plus Earth itself, has been wiped out to a man. (!)

I'll be interested to hear what you think of this. I've picked up the series in hardcover as its appeared on the discount racks but haven't started it yet. I'm about to finish Cussler's "Deep Six" then I'm returning to the second part of "Team of Rivals". After that, don't know.
Recently finished - Off Season by Jack Ketchum
Currently - Bullets Of Rain by David J. Schow, about a widowed recluse who may or may not be going insane while huddled in his house over the course of a hurricane-soaked weekend.

I picked up Hunger Games for the plane ride to New Orleans last week. It's good - good enough that I spent a couple of days in NO fruitlessly looking for this second book but had to wait til I got home to hit the bookstore - but it's a teenager's version of The Running Man/The Long Walk, and I don't find the protagonist especially likable, plus she's conveniently adept in all the "right" skills. The people around her are a lot more interesting, and how they're handling a manipulative authoritarian government that has *no* problem laying the smack down on people who don't play the party line.

I read the first book recently and only thought it was okay, but the second one sounds much more interesting - I'm just hesitant to read it because I heard that Mockingjay took a huge nosedive in quality. :(
Finished Tanya Huff's Blood Debt and Blood Bank -- really excellent, they're fast reads. She doesn't get anywhere near enough credit in the vampire/horror world for this series.

Especially since she largely created vampire-based urban fantasy — and frankly did it better than most. I like how Henry doesn't particularly whine, nor does he act like a "bad boy." And when he does show angst, it's over stuff that is relateable (like how Huff's vampires are by nature solitary).

I wish more contemporary vampires had a similar balance.