Living the dream!
I've heard good things about Abercrombie, but haven't tried any of his books. What's a good starting point?
The First Law series, which starts with, IIRC, "The Blade Itself".
I've heard good things about Abercrombie, but haven't tried any of his books. What's a good starting point?
Renee whatsername looked like she had been stung in the face by bees...repeatedly.
I was looking for something to read on the plane home, and this got a good writeup somewhere that I can no longer remember. I will say that while I enjoyed it, it's not as good as Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - the characters are mostly pretty flat, and the plot is extremely convoluted - I had a very hard time following along even after The Big Reveal, trying to remember who was who and who had what alias and ... I ended up having to go read a spoilered review before I said "aha, I understand now."
Now reading Off Armageddon Reef by David Weber...just started, shaping up to be really good.
I must say it's a bit daunting to start reading a future history where all of humanity, every last interstellar colony plus Earth itself, has been wiped out to a man. (!)
I picked up Hunger Games for the plane ride to New Orleans last week. It's good - good enough that I spent a couple of days in NO fruitlessly looking for this second book but had to wait til I got home to hit the bookstore - but it's a teenager's version of The Running Man/The Long Walk, and I don't find the protagonist especially likable, plus she's conveniently adept in all the "right" skills. The people around her are a lot more interesting, and how they're handling a manipulative authoritarian government that has *no* problem laying the smack down on people who don't play the party line.
Finished Tanya Huff's Blood Debt and Blood Bank -- really excellent, they're fast reads. She doesn't get anywhere near enough credit in the vampire/horror world for this series.
I wish more contemporary vampires had a similar balance.