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This novel is grounded in a thorough knowledge of classical literature, with skillful interweaving of plausible archaeological speculation, ancient mythology, and exciting modern adventure. VERDICT ¬Readers who enjoy artifact-seeking books with behind-the-scenes tours of real-life sites will be delighted. [Ratner is set to adapt a film version.—Ed.]
--Library Journal

"Ben Mezrich's Seven Wonders is a terrific adventure, a wild quest around the world in the best Da Vinci Code tradition, in the company of an Indiana Jones-style scientist-hero who doesn't know the meaning of fear."
--Joseph Finder, author of Paranoia and Suspicion
Had three of my digital book holds come in at the the same time from my local library. Hate when that happens, especially when I don't have a ton of time for reading!

Had to buy Donna Tartt's "The Secret History" in order to finish the book after it expired. (The Overdrive system is linked to Amazon, and you can choose to buy a book that is on loan). NOT worth the $6!

Just starting "The City" by Dean Koontz.

Probably going to let "The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics" expire. Will put another hold on it and wait until it's available again.
Took the daughter to "The Maze Runner" this past weekend.

Me too. I actually liked the movie more than I thought I would ... until the last 15 minutes, when I thought it turned into a hot mess. But my daughter swears that there are better explanations for the way things were in later books like The Death Cure, too. So I hope your journey into the series is a good one!
I just finished re-reading the last two books of the Wheel of Time series (I wanted to reread them all, but I was dying for the payoff in A Memory Of Light, so I just went with the last two for now).. Surprising, I realized I had never read the prequel, so I started on it this week..


Turns out these books are light, fun reads. I probably won't read the entire series back-to-back, but rather I'll probably intersperse them now and again between other stuff.

Turns out these books are light, fun reads. I probably won't read the entire series back-to-back, but rather I'll probably intersperse them now and again between other stuff.

...they start out that way. It gets pretty srs bsns after awhile. I mean, there's still sarcastic quips and things that make me crack up out loud, but yeah...shit gets pretty heavy later on. Fair warning.
Just started Steven Erikson's Deadhouse Gates today. I loved the first novel in the series, and am told it'll just get better. Already probably the best mature fantasy literary saga (I might qualify that with "modern", but we'll see) I have jaunted into, and I devour a lot of fantasy.