Now taking orders on the new Nasheim CD, "Evighet/Undergång"

Erik said:
By the way, I liked Wind Through the Trees. The first song is better than the doomy one though, which suffers from lack of variation and really asskicking riffs. The intro is neat, it sounds like "Muspilli Strid" from the second Helheim demo. Pitched up acoustic guitar sounds funny tho. Very decent first release however.

im very glad you liked it. Rising Fog served the sole purpouse as being a collection of our recorded material at that time. Its just promo stuff. I'll definitely have an EP put aside for you. It goes more in the direction of the "Solitude" track... and there will be drum machines with actual variation... and the overall sound is just going to be better. I have a feeling you and some other people might like it a lot.

Thanks for the kind words.

edit: intro track is a dulcimer and acoustic guitar we're cheap, but not cheap enough to change the pitch on our guitars :cool:
Erik said:
Just made JayKeeley's letter (enjoy the stamp with majestic Swedish nature) and henrikmain's (read your PM's, also you got the only jewel case I hade left, unfortunately with some sticker residue due to the subpar packaging of the jewel cases I bought, but fear not because to rectify this, I included no fewer than SIX separate surprise gifts as a thank-you for the pencil and paperclip.)

Everyone else on RC should have received their CD's by now.

:grin: Sounds great! Thanks! I just answered your PM, by the way. Stupid as I am, I forgot to include my adress in my letter.
Erik said:
Really? I SWEAR it sounded very very pitched up at times. Oh well. :p

Nope, direct line acoustic guitar and a dulcimer miced with a horrible dynamic microphone held by my vocalist's feet as he was reading one of my books about Finland.

I mean, holy shit, thats kvlt.
Received this last night, and let me just say the amount and quality of bonus shit is the best I've ever gotten:

-CD and artwork contained in Star Wars - Behind the Magic CD 2, with Star Wars crossed out and NASHEIM! in it's place
-3 D'addario Points from the back of a pack ofguitar strings
-store receipt showing purchase of Murphy's Irish Stout (and yes, this beer IS the shit)
-comic making fun of Apple
-picture of Erik's CD collection circa 2000 (obvious concentration on Iron Maiden and Tiamat)
-photograph entitled "wonder if the camera has any film in it? *click* oh." with feet and a beercan stub
and finally, the crowning piece (other than the album itself):
-A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SWEDEN including Ikea, Volvo, The Majestic Moose, Swedish Meatball, Blonde Chick, Big Boobies, Knäckebröd, Fish, and a map showing the exact locations of Norrland, Fagland, and Weird Islands, all of this on the back of some Pantera tab paper (holy crap is that tab ever wrong).

Thanks or uh, CSOCOOOSOROER!
It's probably because I mailed him a bunch of stupid shit with my $10. Or Erik's gay.

Either way, I'm cool with it. :loco:
Think of the eBay thing as a sign you're famous.

Next wait for the fanlistings, fanpages, and personal website layouts. :p