Now watching..

I just watched the last few episodes of Robotech - New Generation....great to go back and watch the show that had me and my friends racing back to the dorm at college so we could watch it.

LOL - actually 30 Rock is on in the background. damn funny stuff.

Hmm, what's this show like? One of its producers has been in touch with me regarding a potential dark fantasy TV series or miniseries, but I don't watch too much 'regular' TV.
Just watched a tripping Asian flick called Curse of the Golden Flower with Chow Yun Fat...Its was okay nothing like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero but it was okay....

I've been watching On Demand movies all day... Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (never gets old! Johnny Depp is brilliant!), Ali G Indahouse (talk about insipid! waste of time!), and now Duma, a cute movie about an orphaned cheetah rescued by a boy. :tickled:

Just watched a tripping Asian flick called Curse of the Golden Flower with Chow Yun Fat...Its was okay nothing like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero but it was okay....


I've been wanting to see that! I thought Jet Li's Fearless was brilliant! How does it compare to that or House of Flying Daggers? Still the best Asian Ass-kicker movie I've ever seen is Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior - friggen amazing!
Recently began watching DVDs of the old UFO series that came out in 1969. This is one of those Gerry and Sylvia Anderson productions if anyone remembers those (Space: 1999 and Thunderbirds Are Go being a couple of others they did). Funny thing I barely remembered watching this series as a kid and stumbled across the series at Blockbuster (have the online rental deal where they send me 3 DVDs at a time) and decided "what the heck" and rented it. I'm actually enjoying the show more than I expected I would but sometimes these old, cheesy series just click and this one has. Interestingly, the series came out in 1969 but is set only in 1980 -- someone was REALLY expecting some overnight innovations in technology (for example, mankind already has a fully-functional moonbase)! Oh well, sometimes the more cheese the better..... :lol:
Debbie Does Dallas!!

Who knew?? I thought it was a romantic comedy!! :Smokin: It was disgusting!! I watched it three times just to make sure I was right!!:lol: I even paused it at several places to see if it was trick-photography!! The length of the pauses varied based on how unlikely the scene appeared!! :devil:

Chris :headbang:
Debbie Does Dallas!!

Who knew?? I thought it was a romantic comedy!! :Smokin: It was disgusting!! I watched it three times just to make sure I was right!!:lol: I even paused it at several places to see if it was trick-photography!! The length of the pauses varied based on how unlikely the scene appeared!! :devil:

Chris :headbang:

Sava, you're a sicko!! That's why I love ya! :devil:

NW: Animal Cops Miami
I have the Protector on DVD, pretty decent movie,haven't seen Ong Bak yet Tony Jaa definitely kicks some serious ass though. As for House of Flying Daggers as compared to Curse, HotFD was way better imo. Better visual and a better story line and some pretty great fight scenes, kind of like Hero. You would have to make up your own mind though, everyone has different perspectives when it comes to those movies.

I've been watching On Demand movies all day... Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (never gets old! Johnny Depp is brilliant!), Ali G Indahouse (talk about insipid! waste of time!), and now Duma, a cute movie about an orphaned cheetah rescued by a boy. :tickled:

I've been wanting to see that! I thought Jet Li's Fearless was brilliant! How does it compare to that or House of Flying Daggers? Still the best Asian Ass-kicker movie I've ever seen is Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior - friggen amazing!