NP: Vintersorg - what???


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
Just had to post this after I talked to Phyros... :p

What songs do you think we´ll will play @ 2000 Decibel?
I´ll vote for some of the following:
* Algol (for sure)
* A Dialouge With The Stars
* The Explorer

Can´t really think of anymore but I hope he´ll surprise us though...Here´s some songs I'd like to hear:

* Vildmarkens Förtrollade Stämmor
* Svältvinter
* Till Fjälls
* Norrland
* Naturens Galleri
* The Enigmatic Spirit
* A Star-Guarded Coronation
* Vem Styr Symmetrin?

Hell, I want to hear ALL the songs...
And Mr. V, you´ll have to promise not to reveal anyone :grin:
we'll do about 10 songs I guess, I think we'll suprise some of you with the track list, we've scetched it down already........

mr V
Well, actually, my thinking got halted when I realised that the only setlists I could get my dirty hands on was from the same tour, between CG and VFTSG, but that one was

Ars Memorativa
A Dialouge With The Stars
För Kung Och Fosterland
Ödemarkens Son
Universums dunkla alfabet
Rainbow Demon
Under Norrskenets Fallande Ljusspel
Till Fjälls

So well, we´ve got two posibilities, either we get those songs minus a few and plus a few new ones, or we get an entierly different set, wich would please me very much actually..:)

My wanted list:

Naturens Galleri
Fångad Utav Nordens Själ
Ödemarkens Son
Till Fjälls
Under Norrskenels Fallande Ljusspel
Astral And Arcane
E.S.P. mirage
vem styr symmetrin
A Dialogue With The Stars

ten songs that would make my day!

But I think It will be something like:

vem styr symmetrin
Universums dunkla alfabet
Till Fjälls
Ödemarkens Son
the explorer/A metaphysical drama
För Kung Och Fosterland
*new song*

I don´t now what I like about that thing, but if there is going to be a new song played, I guess I can cope ;) Eventhough that is not my fave way of hearing a song for the first time, I´d like it much more if we got to hear the studio version first :p

So, well, none of the playlists are in actual order, just the songs lined up.

-phyros ( the remarkable man )

Edit: Forgot who I was :p

Edit 2: Forgot my manners :lol:
Sat and had a talk with a friend today. We both agreed that we probably will hear a new song (or two) but the both of us preferred to hear a new song in the studio version for the first time, so I couldn't agree more with you Phyros! But anyway, I wont start crying if I heard a new one... ;)