
The Radial Covenant



CIG, it would be so hard for me to rec a single track from this godly album. Honestly, you need to listen to it from top to bottom.
Mathiäs;11048018 said:
New Symphony X album is fucking awesome, holy shit



Listening with fresh ears, this Havok album is pretty good. Better than almost all of the thrash released in 2015 so far at least. I think we were just expecting something different at that time.

... one of the best hard rock/heavy metal bands of all time. Solid #2 spot right behind BS. They completely shit on zeppelin as far as im concerned. And to this day i just dont see how any hardcore metal fans would prefer zepp over them. DP influenced most of the metal bands from the 80's that we listen to, zeppelin influenced bands like aerosmith.
More influential =/= better, imo.

Never really got into them until you got me to check em out in more detail awhile back. Definitely glad I did bc theres a lot of great material I didnt know about, but still, I prefer Zepplin's style and sound much more. Its all about individual taste and preference.
I don't get the Aerosmith hate either. Of course, their 80's and newer stuff is mostly terrible, but what's wrong with some bluesy hard rock with a touch of boogie rock? First four albums are good.
... not really hating on them. I own a few of their albums on tape(Pump, Permanent Vacation, Get a Grip) and vinyl(Toys in the Attic). I was just saying that Deep Purple were much more influential to metal than zeppelin was.

But yeah i dont care for much of Aerosmiths stuff outside of a few tracks.

Its all about individual taste and preference.

Indeed it is. :kickass:
It's unfair to deride Led Zeppelin by saying they influenced Aerosmith when they influenced tons of Metal too, even though I myself prefer Deep Purple it must be said that while I think they have better albums, Led Zeppelin has a much more consistent catalogue.
they influenced tons of Metal too,
I know some people love claiming this, but it just isn't true. While Zeppelin did have some influence on the heavy metal scene that was being conceived, it was incredibly minor, especially when compared to DP, a band who almost everyone form the 80's metal scene credits. Zep influenced a countless number of hard rock bands, while Purple influenced countless numbers of metal bands. You can cleary hear it in their music too. Also, more than a few bands have even went out of their way to make sure that everyone knew they didnt listen to or where inspired by Plant and Page.

What exactly are you arguing? That they were just as important to metal as DP?

Led Zeppelin has a much more consistent catalogue.


What I mean is, there is a larger amount of good albums by Led Zeppelin than there is Deep Purple, but obviously quality > quantity in the end.

No, not more influential than Deep Purple, just that they're influential at all, maybe not to most of the 80's New Wave of Heavy Metal but to imply there isn't any or much seems to me to be a claim you could never back up with any real evidence.
Yeah but I never said they weren't influential to metal at all. So why would i need to back such a statement up?

I know what you meant. And i fully disagree. I dont even think it's close. IMO Zep have a few good songs, but most of their albums are very lackluster. They're one of the first bands that comes to my mind when i think of bands with weak catalogues but some standout tracks.



... one of the best hard rock/heavy metal bands of all time. Solid #2 spot right behind BS. They completely shit on zeppelin as far as im concerned. And to this day i just dont see how any hardcore metal fans would prefer zepp over them. DP influenced most of the metal bands from the 80's that we listen to, zeppelin influenced bands like aerosmith.


I like Zeppelin, but they have to be one of, if not THE most overrated hard rock band of all time! I think the only edge Zeppelin had over Purple was Jones was/is a much better bassist than Glover.
Zeppelin is not overrated. Maybe overplayed, but that is the fault of popular radio!

I consider their first four albums to be nearly flawless.

Favorite songs:
Hots on For Nowhere, How Many More Times, Dancing Days, In My Time of Dying, Kashmir

I'd personally say the first five Led Zeppelin albums are great, whereas though I like Rod Evans era Deep Purple they don't really begin their Metal mastery until 1970 and even then, in my opinion, their era of greatness isn't a long one.

Oh and you definitely implied something like that with your underhanded Aerosmith remark.