

Bought this one on basically blindly after seeing the right guys here say it was good. Great call, $6 well spent.

Also, decipher the logo yourselves because their name is fucking weird and hard to type.
I keep forgetting how great this album is. It's top notch fucking death metal. Is their sophomore also that great?


First 5 cds are pretty equal imo, but after that do not know. My favorite from the band out of what I have heard is Moon of The Chaos Eclipse. One of my favorite newer death metal bands.

Intro/Grand Sabbath Pact.
Disrupt, World Burns To Death, Skitsystem, just a few.

I never even thought about Crust when listening to post-2006 Darkthrone until I started seeing people calling it that all over the place. I remember reading an interview with Fenriz where he denies having any Crust influences and theorised that people were letting the cover art control their perception of the music.

I still don't hear any Crust in their music. (Except maybe some Amebix here and there.)
I'd love to read that interview. But regardless, you dont need to be influenced by crust. He's naturally a crusty ass mofo and the punk/heavy metal hybrid that they played on their last few albums are naturally crusty. There's plenty of crusty ass riffage there(Underground Resistance dropped a lot that though). I dont think they ever sat their and were like "hmm, lets add some crust/punk to our sound".

What you should be questioning is how the fuck anyone can refer to their new sound as "black"


Skitsystem are killer :kickass:

Some favorites off the top of my head ... Nuclear Death Terror, Wolfbrigade(Wolfpack), After the Bombs, Severed Head of State, Martyrdod, Pisschrist, Victims and Inepsy.
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edit: my bad, i misread your comment. I thought you said they sound like "ancient black metal" :lol: But yeah, I agree with your description above ... there's not enough black metal in their sound anymore to use it do describe them though.


Straight from Fenriz's mouth ...

Fenriz: I think the blackened edge comes from the outside listeners, being colored by the fact that we did quite a few black metal albums in our career.

Kind of sounds like what you were trying to say about his supposed comments on crust , no? :lol:

These Shores are Damned is a fuckin' masterpiece! One of my favorites :kickass:
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Nope, they don't sound Crust to me at all, crusty as a descriptor is a very different thing though. All I hear is 80's Black/Doom/Death/Speed Metal mixed with Heavy Metal and Punk Rock. You're hearing things you want to hear man.

In that same interview he says "Hate Them was the first album in a while that had us freestyling, the same song had my only typical crust punk riff ever (I did metalpunk later which is different, try listening to Puke from Sweden anno ‘85 and ‘87 to understand)"

But anyway, you are being a misleading gayfag with that quote as he goes on to say right afterwards "For Ted I think he is making a snapshot of most of the styles common in the 80s, while I concentrate on the speed metal and NWOBHM."

This supports what I already said, that Ted's songs (they write half the songs each fyi) end up almost always sounding like ancient Metal and 80's Black Metal.

These Shores are Damned is a fuckin' masterpiece! One of my favorites :kickass:

Fucking amen!

I love this track by Ted also!

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You're hearing things you want to hear man.

Yeah me and the rest of the world. :lol: But yeah fuck this shit. You're clearly as heardheaded as i am, but the difference here is you're clearly wrong.

No one said they were a crust band anyway, which is something you're constantly trying to imply and something i really don't want to chase either. They're a punk/speed/heavy metal band .. a crusty ass one at that.

I am a "metal" head after all!

I'm not clearly wrong you bastard, I literally just proved you wrong. Plus tons of people call them Crust, I see it everywhere, in this thread alone like 3 people did it.

Anyways, fight me to the death.


Got me a hankering.
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So you proved me wrong after i posted that quote from Fenriz own fucking mouth ... where he basically called all the fans that think they're newer stuff is black metal delusional? :lol: Really bro? I dont know what to say anymore. What more could you possibly want than the words straight from the man himself? OH and can you find me that interview? Because you brought nothing to the table for the crust argument, absolutely nothing. And i practically ended your whole black metal argument with a quote straight form one of his interviews. "Outside listeners being colored by the fact that we did quite a few black metal albums in our career" kind of sounds like "fans letting the cover art control their perception", no? Yeah, hardheaded isnt even the word.

Oh and i guess you can call them whatever you want to call them, a punk/speed/heavy metal band WITH ABSOLUTELY ZERO CRUST. Oh and we cant forget, they're still black metal too :lol:
I never said they were still Black Metal, I agree with the quote you hysterical asstard.
Even though you ignored my entire rebuttal it would seem, where I point out that you ignored the context of the quote you posted.
Fenriz's songs are clearly not Black Metal at all.

I'll try to find the interview by the way, try not to wet your diaper in the meantime. ;)