are the heaviest shit to come out of the USA, SO THEY ARE TAKING JOBS OF THE OLD TIMERS, I AM GETTING THAT ALL THE TIME, ITS THE NAME OF THE GAME...just get more skills..IT BEATS, euro power hands down if they are the leaders of of the metal revolution SO TO SPEAK, I love old well....haven't sold my oLd records...
I wear bag pants as I must be a loser, I am now wearing a black tshirt, flannel shirt, torn blue jeans, and black sneakers, i quess I am a grunge merchant if that is the fashion, but i don't label fashion...heard of my sisters love machine from seatle, must be losers hey *losers*, check em out , they aren't grunge but look grunge..
confused are you all, I am hear to demystifiy things...[sacrament_666, funny funny] I lve telling you all which is the crap , and which is the cool, u don't have the time to find out...please tell me if the new NEVERORE WILL BE BETTER THAN POE, becasue it skinks high heaven, and lets get back to in memory.....and experiment.
regards MT.