Nuendo 4 announced!

Yeah, it´s weird. I tried Cubase SX2 for some years, when I decided to buy it they released Nuendo 3, so I thought that I should give it a shot. I´m still trying it, but hey, Nuendo 4! I think I gonna try this one too.
looks amazing, new features new automation, new plug -ins..

but heres the kicker...

upgrade costs $249

upgrade with a score editor, drum editor, and cubase vsti's costs an addition $150..

stupid Steinberg marketing shoots itself in the foot again...

Nuendo is supposed to always have all the features of we have to pay extra for features we have in the early versions....


You got this wrong. You shouldn't pay EXTRA. Cost of previous update was the same as Nuendo+NEK now. So you can pay LESS if you do not need some features, or THE SAME, But not EXTRA.
Have made the move...caught a good deal on Sonar 7 so have ordered it and will be ditching Cubase Studio or possibly just hanging on to it for MIDI purposes.
I don´t care if you use cracked software but announcing it like that is provoking me. So all I can say is : Fuck you.
Dude, I´m not ashamed. It´s just zeros and ones. If you ever downloaded a MP3, a tablature or a video you are probably the same shit. So, will you hide it? I´m no hypocrite.
I don´t care if you use cracked software but announcing it like that is provoking me. So all I can say is : Fuck you.

It was said to me? Why? Are you mad?

All software is legal on my studio. I just said what I know about crackers.
It was said to me? Why? Are you mad?

Bazzirliozzo: No that wasn´t for you. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Dude, I´m not ashamed. It´s just zeros and ones. If you ever downloaded a MP3, a tablature or a video you are probably the same shit. So, will you hide it? I´m no hypocrite.

You know co, most of the money is zeros and ones too, but let´s not go there. My point was that it´s at least disrespectful towards these people to talk big about using a pirate software.

If it´s hypocrisy not to declare that you´re a proud pirate - I´d advice you to be a hypocrite.
As I´ve said, I´m not ashamed of being a pirate. Actually, I am PROUD that I don´t waste an USB input nor processor with an useless Syncrosoft dongle.
You want to compare o dongle that runs in memory with one that runs on the usb port?
You see, actually there IS a reason for devolopers at Steinberg use a dongle emulator instead of the stupid harware one. They´ve made a worst software version for their paying custumers. Is this respectful enough, Lars Ulrich?
In the end Steiberg said to their costumers the same thing that you´ve said to me: fuck you.
I don´t care if you use cracked software but announcing it like that is provoking me. So all I can say is : Fuck you.

Chill out there buddy - why are you worrying about what people who live on the other side of the world are doing? So you've got your legit software, congratulations; I'm glad it lets you sleep at night. You say it provokes you; maybe you should work on your anger management.
Yeah maybe I should :)

We´re getting a bit mixed with different topics here. I never stood up for steinberg in particular, I don´t even use Cubase nor Nuendo. I bet there´s a lot of evil shit steinberg´s done to justify getting a h2o-software. Being a Sonar user I´m really happy with Cakewalk´s customer service and I willingly pay for such a good job.

My point was that shoving off piratism in one´s comments and signature is not okay (at least for me). If someone who is accustomed to buy his software ponders whether to buy a new version daw x, the desirable answer would not be "warezz it over the internetz". I wasn´t boosting my own ego by telling that I have a legit license of my software of choise.

I apologize for being harsh and rising questions of my mental stability. Now, let´s get back to Nuendo 4.
Well, i have Cubase SX3, Nuendo 3, Logic 8, Protools M-Powered 7.3 (Not tried this yet), Sonar 4-5, all illegal. Sonar 6 legal and planning to upgrade to Sonar 7. I like to try before buy.
^Get your point but Steinberg is not the only "limiting" company. Take Pro Tools LE - it's more of a joke than anything else with limited track count an no plug in latency compensation (I'd go mad if I had to use Drumagog on a DAW like that) and overpriced and shitty hardware that you HAVE TO use. I'd rather use a small dongle then...
actually in Steiny's defense you can at least sell and transfer your license to someone else..You buy a cakewalk license it's yours forever , unless you find someonme that wants to buy your discs and can never upgrade or get the license transferred..

I made out awesome selling my Nuendo license...very happy about that...

in the meantime I bought a reaper license to hold me over until gettng something else..I tried the newest sonar demo and it is layed out like a cluster to me...

Reaper is surprisingly the shit,,,I am able to do anything I need to do very efficiently and it rocks on my dual processor pc...with software this good and cheap there is no reason to not be legit..

I think I am gonna pass on upgrading my ancient sonar 2 license and stick with Reaper..the routing , included plugs , and mixing is a good or better than nuendo for straight audio production no dongle, a criminally chepa buy in and solid updates.. I can get buy programing drums in there piano roll and I have fl studio and reason for synth work...
^Get your point but Steinberg is not the only "limiting" company. Take Pro Tools LE - it's more of a joke than anything else with limited track count an no plug in latency compensation (I'd go mad if I had to use Drumagog on a DAW like that) and overpriced and shitty hardware that you HAVE TO use. I'd rather use a small dongle then...

I haven't used digidesign long enough to know. But I understand the latency thing and find it wierd that there is no compensation for it. :Puke: