NYC/NJ area metal shows, coming up

I don't know how it is over there in da 5t4t3Z, but in Germany there a true network of assholes who wouldn't go to the concerts for their life but make sure to purchase like 30 tickets for each concert likely to go sold-out, and then come bargaining twice the price and more at the entrance to the shows with the "poor" kids who didn't get theirs in time.
Ellestin said:
I don't know how it is over there in da 5t4t3Z, but in Germany there a true network of assholes who wouldn't go to the concerts for their life but make sure to purchase like 30 tickets for each concert likely to go sold-out, and then come bargaining twice the price and more at the entrance to the shows with the "poor" kids who didn't get theirs in time.

Yes, here we call them "my pals."
I was just being facetious and jumped at the chance to use one of RC Forum's favorite words!

Anyway, yeah, Ellestin, it happens all the time. Usually from ticket brokers or scalping agencies; they buy what they can, then add a premium/mark-up in price and voila! Instant rip-off. Sometimes they're the only chance to get a ticket though (not normally for metal shows, however).

The guys on the street just buy up whatever they can from people selling extras, then try to pawn them off to those who need. In New York State, it's legal to scalp provided you do not charge more than $3.00 or 20% of the ticket price as a mark-up (I think those are the #s), and provided you don't scalp right in front of the venue. The cops rarely care though.
Jim and I are IN!!! Whooo-Hoooo!

I wanted to let ya know as soon as possible Mark. They ended up costing us $32.50 apiece on Ebay. Unfortunately, there were only two available, but we sniped them down.


P.S. - Aurel, I think your theory is a damn good one if you want to just try and get one ticket - I hope you can find a way to make it out.
Ellestin said:
I don't know how it is over there in da 5t4t3Z, but in Germany there a true network of assholes who wouldn't go to the concerts for their life but make sure to purchase like 30 tickets for each concert likely to go sold-out, and then come bargaining twice the price and more at the entrance to the shows with the "poor" kids who didn't get theirs in time.
i used to have a friend that bought Tool tickets from all over the country when they were touring small clubs in 2001, and then sell them on ebay for massive profits. he's no longer my friend. :)
Honestly, I understand the "business" factor and all, and there are certainly worse things going on since capitalism rules the shit out of men. Still, from a music lover's point of view, it seems like a terrible thing to do, does it not?
absolutely. this dude was (and probably still is) a massive Tool fan, and i told him he was a dick for doing it, and he didn't understand why.

of course, that dude was a piece of shit so it made sense. one of those "i've known you since we were 8 and you really grew up to be a scumbag" types.
might have to check out the Fintroll/Sodom show the next eve ... besides, Tully should be there ... :kickass:

hey Fintroll has a huge pic and writeup in this weeks Time Out New York ... i mean like on the 12th page ... right up front ... WTF????
thanks Jason ... will see what happens. most likely will hook up with you guys before the show for some brews and then try to score a ticket.

do you guys have meeting plans yet?

where is that original thread that gugs started, cannot find it
Ok, I found the bar we're meeting at:

Bull Moose Saloon
354 W 44th Street (cross street is 8th Ave)

It's about 1 1/2 blocks from the Nokia. It's a dive. They have beer & sandwiches. It'll do. \m/