o old anathema, where did thoust go?

I love old Anathema and love new Anathema.I was around in the demo days and remember writing to Vinny and Daz all those years ago!:eek:

Things change,times change but i look back on those days with fond memories and look forward with anticipation to the future of Anathema!
Although Pentecost III is my favourite release, I really like the newer stuff too. Unlike many people might think, I'm not a close-minded doom-metalhead.

Alternative Four is most certainly my second fave Anathema release. Most of the songs on there might be musically softer than the old Anathema stuff, but the atmosphere on that album is cold and dark. As in VERY cold and VERY dark.

The Silent Enigma is a great album too.

And all the rest is a bit on the same level, with the remark that 'Crestfallen' and 'Serenades' do sound a bit immature, but that's not too bad anyway ;)
Anathema is fucking excellent in whatever incarnation. Honestly, I think I like all of their albums together. Meaning, I don't really think I could pick a favorite. I like them all too much that I don't know which I could single out as my favorite. Each one has its own strong points and charms that makes them all great.
Originally posted by fuckwhoevertookdemonofthefall
Anathema is fucking excellent in whatever incarnation. Honestly, I think I like all of their albums together. Meaning, I don't really think I could pick a favorite. I like them all too much that I don't know which I could single out as my favorite. Each one has its own strong points and charms that makes them all great.
My thought exactly :D I just love all the albums... And every single song on every single album (apart from pressure ;p)...

Take care :)
@Don Corleone: Hell yeah, I'm an Opeth fan!! I'm anxiously awaiting their new one. I think it sucks that they're waiting all the way until early spring 2003 to release the second disc though. I knew before even registering that "demonofthefall" would be taken up, but I hate usernames with numbers i.e.; "demonofthefall2003" or whatever. This way it added a little "flair".

@Dying Swan: I don't totally like "Pressure" but even it's still pretty good. I actually like "Looking Outside Inside" less, but it even still has it's strong points. I used to absolutely hate "Don't Look Too Far" from Judgement, but when I finally gave it a really good listen, I loved it! Now I like every song on the album (it was really the only one holding me back). Anathema are just geniuses; each song, no matter how densely or thinly layered, is like a little piece of aural candy. Simply amazing. I can't wait for the new one.

It's strange, but many metal fans are afraid of change (sometimes for good reason, though i.e.; Metallica). However, I think to be the type of metal fan to appreciate Anathema, you have to be a listener of a much higher caliber than the average metalhead. That's why almost every Anathema fan I've ever talked to have had little to no complaints of the directions that they've followed. This is probably due to that fact that Anathema are so adept at it, and the changes are gradual, rather than all at once.
Maybe it's because Anathema do whatever they do because they like it... Other bands do it because of the money. Because they want to be on MTV... The result is Anathema writing some great stuff and for example Paradise Lost (imo - don't start flaming me) uninspired stuff... (Haven't heard the new album... I'm talking about Host and Believe In Nothing... Anybody heard the new album? What does it sound like? I'm wandering off-topic, so I'll just shut up :) )
About Metallica, I really like Load, but not Reload, though it has some great songs...

Take care...
Host is indeed a good album in my opinion, and believe in nothing, well, i don't like the sound in some songs, but it's o.k.
I already listened to the new one about a week and it gets better with every listen, and especially when you hear it very loud. I worte in the now playing thread (methinks) something about the new album. In general i would say, that it got darker and heavier. On the digipack version they have two cover versions, forst, Small Town Boy (it's a good one), and second Xavier, which i only heard in a bad quality.
I like Symbol of Life more than BIN. So just listen to: Two Worlds, Pry Nightfall, No Celebration, Mystify or Erased, and you will have some really good songs from it.

i'll run to the CD shop today to see if they have new tori amos, so i'll try to check if i can have a listen to new PL as well.
even if Anathema use just a tumble dryer and a violin on the next album I will still love it and cry everytime I hear it. Especially if I cant relate to it. It will still be so..... Anathemaaaaaaa ohhhh 4 life:lol:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
why? thought you liked host, too.

i do, but that wasn't the point of my question. you said you like everything, and i wanted to know if you REALLY like everything :spin: