O/T: Again Best Buy sucks ass! (bait & switch)


Imported Killer
I've about had it with these assclowns.

I saw on DVDPriceSearch.com that Looeny Tunes Golden Collection was $29.99 at Best Buy. (Laugh all you want, but the Rabbit of Seville is a classic!) I looked it up on the Best Buy website, which also states it is $29.99. I went to the second nearest Best Buy (since the nearest one didn't have it in stock). They have it for $54.99!!! What! I asked the employee about it. He looked it up on the internet from his terminal, and sure enough, accessing the website from their store shows the price is $54.99. Of course I look like I have egg on my face, but you can look it up yourself. What a load of horseshit. When it says the item is available for pickup, it would be nice if the item weren't almost twice as much as it's stated on the website. This happened to me last year with a Simpsons box set, but nearly as a extreme of a price difference. Thankfully the internet is empowering people to not have to accept their shitty service. Aside from the occasional deep discount I might find at Best Buy, I am through with these assholes.
jdelpi said:
I've about had it with these assclowns.

I saw on DVDPriceSearch.com that Looeny Tunes Golden Collection was $29.99 at Best Buy. (Laugh all you want, but the Rabbit of Seville is a classic!) I looked it up on the Best Buy website, which also states it is $29.99. I went to the second nearest Best Buy (since the nearest one didn't have it in stock). They have it for $54.99!!! What! I asked the employee about it. He looked it up on the internet from his terminal, and sure enough, accessing the website from their store shows the price is $54.99. Of course I look like I have egg on my face, but you can look it up yourself. What a load of horseshit. When it says the item is available for pickup, it would be nice if the item weren't almost twice as much as it's stated on the website. This happened to me last year with a Simpsons box set, but nearly as a extreme of a price difference. Thankfully the internet is empowering people to not have to accept their shitty service. Aside from the occasional deep discount I might find at Best Buy, I am through with these assholes.
so what the fuck do you want us to do about it?:loco:
Target does the same thing. I've asked if they will match their on-line price and they will not. An encouraging way (shove) to get people to buy on-line. I only get upset when I want the item quickly.
jdelpi said:
(Laugh all you want, but the Rabbit of Seville is a classic!)
I'm laughing with you, not at you,man. I have all three volumes, 12 DVDs in all, and I make a habit of throwing them on Saturday mornings when I get up with Antonio. Antonio can recite the whole "rabbit season...duck season...duck season...rabbit season" routine. Bringing him up right... :lol:
nafnikufesin said:
I'm laughing with you, not at you,man. I have all three volumes, 12 DVDs in all, and I make a habit of throwing them on Saturday mornings when I get up with Antonio. Antonio can recite the whole "rabbit season...duck season...duck season...rabbit season" routine. Bringing him up right... :lol:


Now here's my dilemma. I can order it online from Best Buy for $30 US, but I hate Best Buy a lot now. Not that my protest really makes any difference. (The next best price is $10 more.) Is it worth it? I'm thinking it is. I've bought a lot of DVDs lately though. I'm becoming a DVD whore.

Oh, and not that I plan on having any kids anytime soon, but it would be nice to watch with children. I can't stand most modern children's cartoons.
It happened to me with a Router, so I printed the page and told them I wanted that price, and they gave it to me. OR... try printing the page and go to Circuit City and get them to Price match.
DumbAss said:
It happened to me with a Router, so I printed the page and told them I wanted that price, and they gave it to me. OR... try printing the page and go to Circuit City and get them to Price match.

Last year a jackass from Best Buy told me they don't price match their own website. What a load of crap. I'm not sure if Circuit City price matches website prices.
I boycoted Best Buy a long time ago. They suck major ass. Anything you can buy at Best Buy you can get at Circuit City except apliances.

The great thing about Circuit City is they pay their employees commission, so they will actually try to help you so they can make a sale. At Best Buy, no commission just a straight hourly salary. So there is no motovation for someone to help you when you need it.
They always tell you "I'm not on commission" like its a good thing. :Smug:
I think "Why don't you get a job where you can make some money??"
I worked for SUN TV before they ran it into the ground. You could make some money there, but they had some shady practices. For instance if something was low price/off brand it would pay 1%. High end merchandise paid 6 or 7% unless it was advertised on sale then they would cut it to 3, 2, or 1%. So it can be a good thing for customers if salespeople are not on commission. It depends on the set up and the salespersons' ethics.:erk:
If you want to pay the website price, why not just order it off the website?
nafnikufesin said:
Buy it off EBay for an even cheaper price.

I just checked half.com and there was one person who had it for $29, which with shipping compared to with sales tax at Best Buy is just barely cheaper.

I ordered it online from Best Buy and will pick it up at the store. If I am up to it I will bitch about this pain in the ass I had to go through.

But really, I am done with them for the most part. They just happened to have one good sale.
Frankieebotz said:
I boycoted Best Buy a long time ago. They suck major ass. Anything you can buy at Best Buy you can get at Circuit City except apliances.

The great thing about Circuit City is they pay their employees commission, so they will actually try to help you so they can make a sale. At Best Buy, no commission just a straight hourly salary. So there is no motovation for someone to help you when you need it.

Once I was in Circuit City looking at camcorders and looking a little confused. A manager saw me alone and asked me if anyone offered to help me. I said "no." Right away he made sure someone came to answer my questions.
dd316 said:
If you want to pay the website price, why not just order it off the website?

Well excuse me for thinking a national chain might actually sell things in their stores for the prices they advertise on their website (and then even tell you where the item is available). It's not like Borders, where there is an obvious difference between their online ordering and their store availabilty.

But yeah, I ordered it online for in-store pickup. This is completely stupid that I can do that for $30, but if I want to go into the store without ordering online it's $55.
sony must have gone downhill lol,ive had alot of sony products and they never fuck up,i have only ever used amazon,they provide such great service...
jdelpi said:
Well excuse me for thinking a national chain might actually sell things in their stores for the prices they advertise on their website (and then even tell you where the item is available). It's not like Borders, where there is an obvious difference between their online ordering and their store availabilty.

But yeah, I ordered it online for in-store pickup. This is completely stupid that I can do that for $30, but if I want to go into the store without ordering online it's $55.
It's just an online perk. A lot of stores have online coupons to print out and bring in, they won't honor the offer without the coupon, really no difference.
dd316 said:
It's just an online perk. A lot of stores have online coupons to print out and bring in, they won't honor the offer without the coupon, really no difference.

The difference is, those store advertise that it's an online perk. And they tell you to bring the coupon. Best Buy doesn't advertise this fact, and they even tell you if an item is available in the store without mentioning it might cost almost twice as much.