O/T: LOTR Deluxe DVD out today


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Forget that other blockbuster that's getting released on DVD today, if you haven't picked up a copy of the deluxe edition of Lord of the Rings, I highly recommend it.

There's an extra half hour of new and extended scenes added into the movie that really flesh it out (also taking the running time to well over 3 hours, so give yourself ample time to digest it). The new scenes fit seamlessly into the movie...I wish I had a bigger screen!

There's still two full DVD's of extra features that I haven't checked out yet, but on the basis of the improvements to the already great movie, the purchase is well worth it!
i am yet to watch the movie,then again i dont watch to many movies at all heheh.

I have never really seen the point of buying a movie on vid or dvd.

watching it once is usually enough for me,can u tell how much of a movie buff i am!!!
you sound like my dad, thrax, he's the same way. I bought my brother the lotr spec edition dvd for his birthday (tomorrow). he should've gotten it today. i'm definitely getting it for myself, too! only $26 on Amazon! not that that's a good price, but they could rape your wallet if they choose, right?
Originally posted by poorchoiceofwords
eh, LOTR was cool but not cool enough to warrant a 4 disc set. Give me an Attack of the Clones 4 disc set.
Only if you have insomnia :lol: IMO the new Star Wars movies can't hold a candle to LOTR. If either episode 1 or 2 were half as good as the first LOTR, I might not have been so repulsed by what Lucas has done to the series. I am so looking forward to The Two Towers...if the quality is maintained from the first movie, it will easily be the best movie of the year IMO, and could supplant the original Star Wars movies as my favorite trilogy.
Lord of the Rings sucked ass. Make a goddamn film and not a book report. I hated all 47 hours of it and want reparations! Except for Natalie Portman's shit line delivery, Attack Of The Clones ruled and the DVD is excellent. Jango Fett beats Froto Faggans any day.
I liked LOTR. I still haven't seen EP II. and I don't want to. I'll wait for my fiance's dad to buy it. I liked the special effects and the scenery in LOTR but I was expecting alot more of it. Like they left out tom bombadil and the evil trees. But I've always loved Peter Jackson. He made some badass splatter gore movies like Dead Alive (brain dead) if you guys haven't seen it find the unrated version and watch that. It's fucking funny and the goddamned goriest movie I've ever seen. Day of the Dead pales in comparison to this.
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
Lord of the Rings sucked ass. Make a goddamn film and not a book report. I hated all 47 hours of it and want reparations! Except for Natalie Portman's shit line delivery, Attack Of The Clones ruled and the DVD is excellent. Jango Fett beats Froto Faggans any day.

I wouldn't say it was piss boring, but this notion that intelligent people like LOTR and idiots enjoy Star Wars is just absurd and I'm getting tired of it. I'm a Star Wars geek god dammit, so fucking what.
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
Lord of the Rings sucked ass. Make a goddamn film and not a book report. I hated all 47 hours of it and want reparations! Except for Natalie Portman's shit line delivery,...... YOU HAD ME WITH YOU UNTIL RIGHT HERE, THEN YOU LOST ME................. Attack Of The Clones ruled and the DVD is excellent. Jango Fett beats Froto Faggans any day.

Still, I agree with Brent on this anyhow. You want a longer version? Christ almighty!

I'm out like Bee Gees on 8 track.
No Thanx to the Lord,
My cousin swears to me LOTR II Towers is much more exciting, more action, less back story and FRODO FAGGANS. I still doubt I'll waste my time with it but I may give it one more chance to impress me. I liked the elf arrow shooting dude.
Brentney, the Two Towers is much better than the Fellowship of the Ring. Fellowship developes the characters mostly, and Two Towers has tons more action. I've read the books many times and must say, the last 2 are the better ones if you're going for action, the first one is good story telling and buildup.
As far as which is the better movie, I will go with Lord of the Rings over Star Wars.
Star Wars has become a ritualistic event for George Lucas to show us what he can do with technology and that's all. Lord of the Rings is a film intended to do justice to one of the best selling books of all time and to use technology much like what was used in Braveheart, where you couldn't tell there was digitally added extras.
Both movies are good, but I will always take LOTR over Star Wars.

I picked up the special edition also, and all I can say is, damn...really good job. Elaborated more on the books then what was originally in the theatrical release.