o/t Terrorist threat in London

When I lived in Georgia, the kids were required to bring clear backpacks to school in an effort to prevent weapons being brought to school. I wonder if at some point that doesn't happen with the airlines. I'm not saying it would definitely work because if you want to commit a crime, you will, but it might be helpful.

Glad to hear that they were arrested. I hope that ends this situation although I suspect another will be on the horizon.
eighteeschick said:
When I lived in Georgia, the kids were required to bring clear backpacks to school in an effort to prevent weapons being brought to school. I wonder if at some point that doesn't happen with the airlines. I'm not saying it would definitely work because if you want to commit a crime, you will, but it might be helpful.

Glad to hear that they were arrested. I hope that ends this situation although I suspect another will be on the horizon.

clear hand luggage?!?!?! man i would soooooo hate that !! people would be able to see my stuff!!...and no one needs to see that sort of thing floating through airports ;)
Canucklehead said:
Nice stereotyping, Stormwatch. Any other words of wisdom? :bah:

Try some tolerance. Might do you some good.

Tolerance? Yeah, look where that's got us. Besieged by fucking religious fruitcakes that want to destroy the Western way of life. Yeah, lets all just TOLERATE some more of that shit.
Stormwatch said:
Thank you, he's clearly a racist. Whereas I just dont want to get on a plane with a Muslim.

Well, how are you going to tell if he/she is a muslim? Have a questionaire for them to fill out:Smug: ? How do you spot someone's personal religion. Muslims are not a race. It's not like they are going to have a sign they carry in with them saying "Death to America" or "I am a muslim wanting to board a plane so I can kill people".
Its near impossible to stop these arsehole terrorists from doing whatever they are going to do. Lets hope the 'Law' catches them, like this time, before they do something terrible again.
MyHatred said:
Well, how are you going to tell if he/she is a muslim? Have a questionaire for them to fill out:Smug: ? How do you spot someone's personal religion. Muslims are not a race. It's not like they are going to have a sign they carry in with them saying "Death to America" or "I am a muslim wanting to board a plane so I can kill people".


What about all the black Muslims? Like Dave Chapelle? And Hakeem Olajuwon? Should we not let them on the plane?
MyHatred said:
Well, how are you going to tell if he/she is a muslim? Have a questionaire for them to fill out:Smug: ? How do you spot someone's personal religion. Muslims are not a race. It's not like they are going to have a sign they carry in with them saying "Death to America" or "I am a muslim wanting to board a plane so I can kill people".

A questionaire would be fine I think. Fanatics dont deny their own religion do they, look at the crazy Christians when faced with death by lion in the arena.

As for Dave Chappelle, I've just watched a couple of his vids on Youtube and I have to say there's not a lot funny there. He seems to be as racist as anyone to me, but it's okay, because he's black.
One rule for the minorities, another for others whatever happened to EQUAL rights?
Stormwatch said:
Tolerance? Yeah, look where that's got us. Besieged by fucking religious fruitcakes that want to destroy the Western way of life. Yeah, lets all just TOLERATE some more of that shit.

Toleration would go a long way if both sides would make an effort. The war on terror won't be won by force of arms. Iraq and Afganistan are more than enough evidence for that.

Stormwatch said:
Thank you, he's clearly a racist. Whereas I just dont want to get on a plane with a Muslim.

So, you're only bigotted towards religious differences, not colour. Nice distinction.
The fact that those detained are all British born and bred (albeit from Pakistani families) makes me sick.

Like I've said in previous posts, this country is going down the fucking shit pan when we're too worried about offending people/peoples human rights, in that we allow preachers of hate in this country to remain here and openly spout their filth. Go to any Muslim book shop and pick numerous books on Jihad. Our governement is to blame for this shit. So yes, well done security forces, but like an Irish terrorist once said "you have to be lucky all the time, we only have to be lucky once".

Can the last person to leave 'Great' Britain please switch the light off.....cunts.
Canucklehead said:
So, you're only bigotted towards religious differences, not colour. Nice distinction.

If you want to call me a bigot because I'm afraid to get on a plane with Muslims then that's your prerogative. If you ever get a flight and have to sit next to wide eyed, slightly twitchy Pakistani looking man with unusual looking hand luggage I hope you remember you called me a bigot.

The simple fact is - Muslims ARE blowing up Westerners. I am afraid. I would like to make things safer for me and my family.
If that makes me a bigot, I'm a bigot.

Why not just lie in the road and wait for a car to drive over you knucklehead? Defending Muslim's amounts to the same thing.
Stormwatch said:
If you want to call me a bigot because I'm afraid to get on a plane with Muslims then that's your prerogative. If you ever get a flight and have to sit next to wide eyed, slightly twitchy Pakistani looking man with unusual looking hand luggage I hope you remember you called me a bigot.

The simple fact is - Muslims ARE blowing up Westerners. I am afraid. I would like to make things safer for me and my family.
If that makes me a bigot, I'm a bigot.

Why not just lie in the road and wait for a car to drive over you knucklehead? Defending Muslim's amounts to the same thing.

What makes you a bigot is suggesting that muslims not be allowed onto planes. If you want to make your family safer, quit flying, don't take that remote risk that your plane would be the one blown up.

I'm proud to defend muslims. They don't have a lot of people on their side right now. I don't, however, defend the terrorists who murder innocents. There's a big difference between the two. Terrorism isn't limited to one religious or ethnic group. You'll find it in every corner of the globe.