Bad / Nationwide
Okay, so he's president now.
When do I get my check? I was told there would be checks, when do I get my check?
When do I get my check? I was told there would be checks, when do I get my check?
Okay, so he's president now.
When do I get my check? I was told there would be checks, when do I get my check?
I was so waiting for you to say something. Thats disappointing tho. If I remember correctly, you are a Bush supporter right?
Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.
True, true...definitely a good point. Sad, but true!
seriously... anyone who brings up the race card is looking for sympathy, whether they admit it or not...
Yes sir....
I just have no opinion anymore... It's over and nothing I can do about it. All I can do now is hope that the new guy does a good job, for the sake of everyone in the country....
What do you mean with "Draconian Rule"
Same shit, different name.
It doesn't matter who's the front figure, the decision makers are still the same inner circle as ever. It's highly unlikely Barack will withdraw US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq (and not start a war against Iran), we won't see the US ceasing to support Israel in both money and military equipment, we won't see the US loosen up the religious extremism up to government level, we won't see the US stop acting like a world police, we won't see the US economy recovering, we won't see the government stop defending the oil producers and their money instead of supporting more environment-friendly sources of energy and fuel, we won't see the US education system improving and being accessible to poorer people, we won't see an end to the war on terrorism (especially the black and white doctrine of "Either you're with us or you're against us"), and we won't see an end to sketchy Hollywood remakes of excellent foreign movies.
every mass genocide of a people has been brought by disarming the populace first.... seriously, brush up on your history if you don't believe me.
Hmmm... Patriot Act, wiretaps, suspension of habeas corpus... need any other examples?
BTW, I'm Canadian & reciting this to you... Imagine if the policies actually effected me, the list would be a lot longer.
How does Obama have less respect for individual rights?
I know you're gonna hate me for this statement:
Fuck individual rights when it comes to gun laws.
No should own a gun in the first place, it should be completely superfluous to own one. If there would be a clean way to remove all guns/weapons I would be the first person to sign this.
You can say what you want, you'll always piss off somebody with this gun crap. We europeans can only shake our heads. America needs to find a way to move towards a gun-free country.
I'm talking about civilians here btw.
I'm not saying it is an easy or even quick move but you NEED to get there as fast as possible.
America needs to find a way to move towards a gun-free country.