Yes but it works for other countries and America has to understand that it is not leading the world as they think they are, they are
BEHIND with quite a lot of moral views. When you say that
it will never happen that makes me really sad. As I said, yes, it is a very difficult move, especially in America but liberal gun ownership makes things
worse by all means.
It has to be a process in the long run that takes its time with tiny steps. Maybe the methods aren't always right as to how to treat this topic and you have crime everywhere but obviously less crime where the laws aren't as liberal and respect the rights of the invidual as good as possible. I'm not talking about Russia or anything the likes but west/central Europe
i own my gun almost equally for sport and home/personal protection, and i'm not shy to say it. someone else said something about only needing rifles for sport shooting... sorry, handgun sport shooting is a rich tradition here in the US, and my handgun has a Match Class barrel for exactly that purpose. and as others on this side of the fence have pointed out, gun laws do NOT affect criminals... because they do not obey them, only law-abiding citizens obey laws. strict gun laws in the US criminalize law abiding citizens, leaving true criminals to run amok with no fear of being met with equal or supior force.... and to that point, what if all guns did suddenly vanish from the planet, except for yours (pretend you own one and carry it), and a murderous criminal approaches you with a long, sharp knife and informs you that he is about to kill you and then approaches you to do just that... and you are backed into a dead end, nowhere to run.... well... do you use that gun to save yourself, or do you rather pull out a knife yourself, so that it'll be a "fair" fight?... or do you just lay down and die?? i'll wager you'd use the gun... and i want that option, to be able to use a gun to defend myself, even if the criminal does not have one, and most certainly i want it if they do. i should not be forced, in such a situation, to have to fight someone in close quarters with knives.
so the next step is to make all knives illegal. guns are merely a tool... and most any tool can be employed as an instrument of mayhem and/or murder.
knife crime is on a sharp rise in the UK. i'd rather not live there for that reason, as much as i love visiting. i do NOT want to get in a knife fight. hell i don't want to get in any violent altercation, and given the option will walk away... or run if necessary... but if you corner me, i will most likely shoot you. it's the right to self-preservation, plain and simple.
i neither look for nor expect problems like that to arise in my life, but it happens.... in every country, in every city of the this planet. i'm thankful i live in a country and state that allows me to defend myself, and with superior force if need be. percentages mean nothing to those that are under attack. what, should they just roll over and say, "oh well, i guess i'm just in the unlucky small percentile"?
even in our "crime ridden, mean ol' usa" the odds are well in my favor to never be faced with such a terrible choice. if i ever am though, god/allah/zeuss/odin/buddah/satan help the sad wretch that makes the attempt on my life, for he'll be sporting several new .40 caliber air vents in his torso.
i refuse to be a helpless victim, be it from gun/knife/wooden-club or any other type of physical attack. yes, contemplating such things is horrible, but "pie in the sky" dreams of Utopian society and a weapon and malice free world is not going to make violent crime go away.. i mean, what comes out of victim's wounds when they get stabbed in germany? rainbows?
having said all that, self-defense is only about 50% or less of why i own a gun.... i just really enjoy target shooting.