Observation about Forum....

You are one anal son of a bitch aren't you?
Im glad you want to get banned, Im glad you don't care, I don't care either. I never said I wanted you banned, I never said I didn't like you. If you would learn how to fucking read and analyze maybe you wouldn't be such a fucking whiny little bitch, complaining about your life, and everyone around you, because of your: as you state it; "poor pathetic life"
I attacked you two because you initially attacked me, of course you didn't notice that cause you can't fucking analyze anything, or you can't speak or read english well, whichever one you want to choose. You think you are so much more superior than everyone because you hate everything around you, and you think everyone else is ignorant. But the true ignorance comes from you, because you can't fucking look around you and see what is going on, because you just want to be pissed off at everything. You are just a big baby and afraid to admit what you really think. If you "don't care to say what you think" then don't you jackass. Your just contradicting yourself in so many ways, so don't call me ignorant.
Gosh, I dunno, but the last time I checked, no one was compelled to open threads they weren't interested in. For that matter, no one is compelled to visit the board either. Now why don't you take a moment and breath, Morningrise...
If you really want me to admit I am making attacks Misanthrope I will, sure I am. Now that I have you on my case I am definately making attacks, that is easy to admit.
Gosh, I dunno, but the last time I checked, no one was compelled to open threads they weren't interested in. For that matter, no one is compelled to visit the board either. Now why don't you take a moment and breath, Morningrise...

I never initially named any names, or said I dont like this thread or anything. Hell pointless threads are fun sometimes, I never said i had a problem with any one certain thing initially. But as I began to get attacked by a couple people, I made actions back
I dunno friend, your initial post seemed pretty damn combative and arrogant. Last I checked, the board doesn't exist solely to amuse you. If you don't like the threads, start one you do like or move on.
You where making attacks since you started the thread. You are talking about how the old timers never post anymore praising their intelligent debates and before that you stated that there is too much pointless threads like the gummy worms things. To me you were obiously expresing your elitism, you where obiously telling us how the level has declined and the new users talk about worms while the old ones talked about more "truly interesting knowledgable conversations/arguments " and any non native english speaker can see that. Being an elitists excludes people wich is a direct attack if you want to exclude us its because you have a problem with us you just choose not to admit it and and focus on the " the old times were better " excuse.
Where do you get the idea that this is stupid? It is more stupid to say things such as you just did, and not fully observe and take into account what I am saying, than to express my opinion as I have. I don't really care what you think of Texas, but obviously you are saying what I have said is stupid, and I would like to know your reasoning behind it.
Originally posted by Morningrise
Where do you get the idea that this is stupid? It is more stupid to say things such as you just did, and not fully observe and take into account what I am saying, than to express my opinion as I have. I don't really care what you think of Texas, but obviously you are saying what I have said is stupid, and I would like to know your reasoning behind it.

You posted flamebait and then acted surprised when you were flamed. That qualifies as "stupid" in my book.
I was simply making an observation, and can see how it was easily taken as an attack, but that was not its intent. I'm sorry if I have offended you in such a way Misanthrope, but I thought you didn't care...Oh well.
As you say I was telling you that the level has declined, that was definately part of my initial observation. I never said that wasn't true, I tried to get that point across. I have a problem with that the board is less interesting, and I wanted to see what others thought. Obviously we were going to have you come in and try and prove your power and ability "to not care about others", yet still want to bitch about it. Such a contradiction.
And Misanthrope you say I want to display my elitism? That isn't true..I will admit that you are more wise and smarter than me probably, I can admit that. But that dosn't change at all what I am trying to say, which you obviously can't see what I am saying at all.
You posted flamebait and then acted surprised when you were flamed. That qualifies as "stupid" in my book.

I expected to get flamed, and wasn't suprised at all. Just hoped that maybe people would TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION what i am saying. Maybe taking others opinions with a grain of salt would help too. If you can't think about what someone else is trying to say, and see how they think it, you shouldn't argue or bitch abou it.
if you want your stuff to be taken in consideration work on it. It looks like you think you and your old timer pals are better and that because they are not around the forum has declined. If you have 2 kinds of people ( old and new ) saying you like one kind is always saying you dislike the other, if you were indiferent about the other you wouldnt post this thread at all. Next time understand this as you post ever patetic, ever fool.

And i stated i dont care what you think of me, but i didnt stated i didnt care that you hide your true opinions that does bothers me and about that i do complain, if you gonna be an elitist arrogant piece of shit at least have the balls to admit it.
Calm down everyone, Morningrise wasn't trying to attack or insult the new people, only saying that he misses the people who use to post here more frequently. He wasn't trying to say the board sucks now and all the new people are idiots, he stated several times he still enjoys it, but he liked it better before. I think a lot of the new posters are great additions to the board, but that still doesn't mean we can't miss the old people. A lot of the new people post more insightful and meaningful posts than anyone, it doesn't matter how long you've been around or not, but with anything when the people you've been talking to for months stop posting often or leave altogether it's kind of sad and you miss their posts.
@Oyo: i am aware, but you just stated it in a way i can believe, he stated in in a way that it makes you think is not that way and that he recents the new people. Either he is too stupid to make a reasonable clear post or too arrogant to admit he resents new comers.
You have stated all you wanted to state a few times Misanthrope, and as have I. Hopefully you won't flame Oyo for what hes saying. If you want to go on thinking those things about me go ahead, but I think if you read through it all you would get answers to your questions. If not, than good luck.
Originally posted by Morningrise

And those of you who want to say "oh get a life, don't take the board so seriously": don't say it, because you will just be making an ass of yourself. This board is a nice place to come to, and I DO NOT take it as seriously as it may seem from this thread; but I am trying to say something.

THIS is what's scary....
Not only is this thread filled with people aruging,
but the first post had to have a sort of "warning".
I don't like it, but I understand why it's there.
Latly there's been lots of flaming here....
People taking things in the wrong way etc.
Maybe because it's not as intimite as it used to be,
so you all don't know eachother as well as you
used to? Or, well, you know the people that posted
back in the days, but the new people are so many
that you don't really get to know them....
And all the new people don't get to know eachother.
We don't know eachother's limits. Don't take things
too far.... Think twice baby! >:oP Hehehe....
Well why is it that some people see what I am saying and not you Misanthrope?
I thought I stated it clearly enough for you to get the idea of what I was saying.
your only problem with this board is that you can't deal with change. everyone else has dealt with it in their own way, why can't you, morningrise? your idols left when they saw the board changing. other people came in to fill those shoes, some posting some stupid shit, but isn't it the stupidest things in life that are funny? and you dealt with it by sitting their and complaining about how there aren't any good threads anymore, but instead of starting some yourself you wanted to rely on others to do it for you and then you could jump in and show them just how smart you are, right? why don't you post something intelligent then. there's a difference between an observation and complaining. most of your observation was just complaining that this board was boring, but the thing is people have posted this millions of times, even during your "good times", so deal with it. there will always be boring threads, there always have been. and the number of intelligent threads was never constant anyways, you make it seem like a few monthes ago, this board was nothing but pure class, but you fail to realise that inside one of your "intellectual threads" there was plenty of childish bashing, just look back at some of those religious ones, for example. people were bitching and complaining for no apparent reason, at people whos thoughts barely differed from their own, but that take that small difference and run with it. i just want you to make sure that your good times weren't that much different than now. the thing is people can not keep on taking old ideas and recycling them to please you. there are plenty of good threads still, some stupid ones, ones about music (hmm...music discussed on a music board...interesting...), and still some of your precious smart-people threads floating about. i think your observation was just a way wanted to point out your inability to deal with change, without directly stating it.
Lets do this in classic old timer annoying fashion.

"Having been looking here for about 6 months I have seen the forum go through a lot of changes, and seen many people come and go. Some of you I know pretty well outside of the board, some of you on the board barely even know I am here.
I am just making an observation about how I think the board has lost its "flare". I am not complaining at all, this is still the best board on the net, but it has really changed.

So far pretty much you are inparcial

Soulreaper said something in the Gummy Worm thread that just got me kind of thinking. Though I don't think that a thread like that is "the beginning of the end" it still got me thinking.

Now what is the point of that? Soulreaper was obiosly complaining about the new threads and was honest about it, so he can drop dead for all i care even if i think he is an elitist asshole too. You on the other hand hint that you think the same but trow the rock and hide behind the "Though I don't think that a thread like that is "the beginning of the end"". You are not fooling anyone you dislike those threads and the people who start them.

One thing that really dissapoints me is that we have lost some of the people that I respected most on this board, like Duvall, HoserHellSpawn, Till Fjalls, and others. Though they still post sometimes, it is a rare occasion. And I have just lost some respect for this board in general.

This is understandable.

It seems that truly interesting knowledgable conversations/arguments are really just being interrupted and not taken as seriously by some; therefore leading to a major decrease in them. I just have lost a lot of interest in the board. You can look at two whole pages of posts and not really see anything interesting. Maybe that is just me...

This is not. It could be if you never mention the obiosly discontent about the infamous pointless threads, but you did it just looks like you are trying to state how much better it was. Its a truly patetic complement to your previous elitists statement.

Don't take this as a rant, because it isn't it is just an observation that I have made, and I am curious as to how you all; particularly ones who have been here for a few months, feel. I still like this board though, just wanted to see what you guys would think of this.

This is what i have most problems with. You are saying oh dont get mad im not attacking, but im not talking to you newbie idiots i want the opinions of "the ones that have been here for a few months" Then close with another atempt to hide with the i still like this board i say BULLSHIT. This is got to be one of the most hypocrite posts i have ever seen. This is why i would want you to accept that you are a patetic arrogant son of a bitch and that you wont accept it, it shows.


And those of you who want to say "oh get a life, don't take the board so seriously": don't say it, because you will just be making an ass of yourself. This board is a nice place to come to, and I DO NOT take it as seriously as it may seem from this thread; but I am trying to say something.

Read above. Truly patetic you would have shut the fuck up ages ago if you didnt take it seriously.
Bleedingskeptic, you just answered part of my initial intent for that first post. I put it there to see how other people thought and dealt with the change. I myself have not had a majo problem with it, and am not complaining about it. If I am: sorry, that was a miscommunication. Also through reactions to Misanthrope's posts in this thread, ideas may have come out differently than they should have. Obviously some of you aren't able to percieve what I am thinking, and some of you don't (and wish to flame and call me ignorant, arrogant, and stupid for it). Only contradicting yourselves. I don't think there were any sort of "good times" or bad times. I just wanted to state the change. And what pisses me off is that some of you took it the wrong way and decided to be assholes about it, so I decided to be an asshole back!
Everyone is going to have different perceptions of things, exactly why this turned into an argument, I can't help that. I can't agree with most of what you said bleedingskeptic, because it IS NOT how I feel, but I can see where you possibly got that idea.
All of you are thinking that my intent was "the board sucks, I hate newbies, I like the old people better"
which is completely untrue. But as I have stated multiple times I just wanted to see what others were thinking about the changes of the board, but I got people getting on my case about it; which I expected to happen anyways.