Observation about Forum....

Question: what are we trying to accomplish on this board?
Answer: nothing

That being said, what the hell are we argueing about? This is a place to post your opinions, and a place to choose to respond or not. It's a place to make "friends", to get away from the real life that's around you. I've been here a long time - and there is a common theme that has been here since the beginning : this is a place to escape the drudgery of everyday life; a place to fill voids.

It seems we are trying too hard to make this like real life. We try too hard to convince others that we are right. Until you realize all you do here is let other people know how you feel and think, instead of trying to convince others that your point is better than theirs, then you will never truely enjoy this place.

I still do - regardless of what happens here.
Don't take this as a rant, because it isn't it is just an observation that I have made, and I am curious as to how you all; particularly ones who have been here for a few months, feel. I still like this board though, just wanted to see what you guys would think of this.

Misanthrope: I said this only because the people that have been here a few months would know better of the changes occurring on the board. Not because i think "newbies are stupid" like you think I am saying, which isnt true.

Read above. Truly patetic you would have shut the fuck up ages ago if you didnt take it seriously.

The reason I didn't shut the fuck up is because I am replying to what you are saying, trying to maybe let it make more sense.
This is a place to post your opinions, and a place to choose to respond or not.

Well put..
And I do not wish to make my opinion better than anyone elses, everyone has their choices. And Misanthrope and I have decided to "discuss" this situation. He has just decided to make it more personal than I wish, so I retaliated.
Would you admit you resent new people and were hiding behind it? no. I pointed that it could be just that you dont know how to express yourself, i was merely being just sarcastic at how stupid you would need to be to post something like that without truly realizing that you were launching an attack, yet you said:

", ideas may have come out differently than they should have. Obviously some of you aren't able to percieve what I am thinking, and some of you don't (and wish to flame and call me ignorant, arrogant, and stupid for it). "

So you are saying we dont understand you? that its because we dont understand not because you meant against us? i think its pretty obious that you launched an attack, and its so damn moronic to think you meant another thing that i cannot believe it and i just think you are trying to wash your hands and walk away. a cheap exit
Originally posted by Misanthrope
what makes you think that what i was doing was not also an observation? the tone of my message? am i to blame for the fact that you dont have time? do i even fucking care about you? do you think everyone will talk about it and stop posting just because you dont have time to read all the threads?do you think that the opinions of the new persons on the forum like myself dont count while the opinions of people like you who barely talks at all are more valid cause you have been around longer? Do you think its fair that you old timers wish to control the forum and are pissed off making observations because they do not have the time to check it all while all us the newcomers to most of the posting and have a more active way of participating?

This "the forum is crap" is becoming too damn common no one forces anyone to be here and no one forces me to post what they want here is another observation: Make your own goddamn forum if you want those things to be a valid argument or observation or whatever the fuck it is you want it to call it.

Yeah, what he said.

Damn, I never was good at arguing in print.
No more fun!!! Any of you!! You... I see you... you're beginning to try and have fun aren't you??? Well stop!! Or I shall cut you!! That's right... I'll cut you!!! Goddamnit!! Forums aren't meant to be written in!! What the hell's wrong wtih you people???

I just got a chance to read this whole thread.

Morningrise: What the fuck, you lost a lot of respect for me? Do I give shit? Jesus, the reason I got defensive in the first place is because I started the Gummy Worm thread and you adressed that one personally. Look, you say it's an observation but really it's more of a poorly veiled insult to all the people who don't post meaningful things all the time. And to the people who haven't been here-but-artistically-silent for ages. You barely post any threads, and here you go bitching (yes, bitching) about the ones here. If you're saddened at the loss of intelligence around here why don't you try and do something about it instead of making 'observations'? Honestly, sometimes some of the people on this board can be awful snobs.

I think you're the one taking things to seriously, not Misanthrope and I. :rolleyes:
After reading this thread, I think we all need to have one big Opethian orgy, come on people, what do you say? LET'S GET NAKED!
Originally posted by Towelie
Ok Ok... but I'm telling you.... NO DILDOS IN MY ASS THIS TIME... I GET TIRED OF THAT!!

Does it necessarily have to be a dildo? looking towards my signature :rolleyes:
Metalman, you're supposed to say "Now, children. You shouldn't act out this way, it's unhealthy." Or sit us all down and lecture us on safe sex is you're going to get parental. :p
Originally posted by Jayde
Metalman, you're supposed to say "Now, children. You shouldn't act out this way, it's unhealthy." Or sit us all down and lecture us on safe sex is you're going to get parental. :p

Nah - I'll go play with the wife while you play - you know, the more modern parent thing - not the old fashioned thing. I can have my fun too :lol: