Oddball bands at PP

Ralf Walter

Oct 3, 2002
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I think last year a HUGE surprise for me was Devin. He (and the band) totally rocked and I thought he was funny as hell ("stick this one up your c*nt"). No way in hell would I call Devy prog nor power. I think it's quite refreshing to have bands like this participate in PP. This year that band seems to be Mercenary. Surely they'll rock the place.

While I'd agree with your assessment as to Devin being a seemingly strange fit with PP, it could be argued that his music is in fact more progressive than those who most easily fit the Prog label.

I think Devin is truly a progressive artist...he not only pushes musical boundaries he pushes himself with each new project...I loved his set last year. His new material with DTB absolutely rules. Suicide was a highlight for me...I like that one odd ball band possibility. Mercenary will be a nice change I think...plus they are pretty damn good at what they do...looking forward to them.

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General Zod said:
While I'd agree with your assessment as to Devin being a seemingly strange fit with PP, it could be argued that his music is in fact more progressive than those who most easily fit the Prog label.


I agree with your assessment. However, prog is a label given to bands that really do not do much prog at all. Throw in some keys.. BAM!! You're "prog". Kinda amusing really, but you are correct.
I think Devin is one of the most progressive artists out there, and will always hate myself for not being able to go to PP3 last year (mainly due to my ex-wife's almost successful attempts to bankrupt me...it's not fun having all of $50 to your name...).

I like the idea of having one "oddball" band on the bill every year. I'm looking forward to Mercenary. Actually, I'm looking forward to every band on the bill this year, except Nightwish...but I already have drinking time scheduled during their set! Woo!

Meteornotes said:
Actually, I'm looking forward to every band on the bill this year, except Nightwish...but I already have drinking time scheduled during their set! Woo!

Woo! Guinness is on me!!

Well, not on me, but..aww, you know what I mean!

See ya in a few weeks!