oepth is awesome

If by

hey guys opeth is really good wi'm really itno the m the drapeyr afalls is agood song i liek the way he does the harmoneis the song sructures michale akrfeld tis a really good voicalist i mean the way he does the singing and the grlwing i mean is nt that special i mean not a lot of band s do that , also i was sad to see peter lindgren go he was a really speical part of the band, didnt he writ eabout half of the solos or sometihng like that for the firs t 2 albums i mena i dont know for sur e but i heard he was included int he osngwriting for thos album orchid and morningsrie i dont knowo bout those albums i mean i like them but someties i feel theu dont have the saem feeling ats the other sones i men dont goet me wrong i feel they avhe gone in a good direction what about the new guitar st freidrrerik akersson he is rfrom arch enmemy which is cool i mean i wasnt really into them befor and i dont think oim gonna get itno them any time soon but it sure is differne t to hear the more metal sshredding attuitude iin opeth, at times im not sure he was the right choice for the bandk, does he fit the vibe? i mean like opeth has always had a certain kind of veib , the shredding was never part of it but what about the new drummer (ya NEW I KNWO! he is otn new nayamroe, it s been liek some years since he s been in the band but stil li think o f him ias new)his name is arimtin axnenrot, i liek him, doens t he have a stuter or somtihing, i mean i saw int in the dvd , not tha t i hold it aaginst him or anything i m just pointing it out, i thin ihe is a dam god drumer, i mean wel lets get seirous i dont think hte was martin olopez, but seirously who could replace that ugy i mean he was an esential part of the band to many of us, what about i the ghost reverires dved specia l when he plays drums to ghost o fperdition and kakerfedlt is like "kepe going man!" or somtihgn it wa s a really speical moment dont you thin, i have been to 2 of their oocnerts, one of them was in 2003 for their damnation thinfg, a little wierd because no deaht meatl, i mean htye palye dthe hwole damnation album al the way through, actualy for my hsow they lfiet off endring creits, i guess theere was a time constsraint for the vneue, but its all good i mean they also playd to bid tyou fawrewell and face of melinda and some others i eforget maybe benihtgted? well i dont realmeber it so well it was a golong ttime ago, also htey other imtie i saw them was in this year earlier, i expecterd them to play fmore from the new alubm swatersrehd, al they played was heir appernet i mean ithats a gera t song dont get me wrong , so what do you gys think of the new alubm, i mean do you kolke it i mmean it isnt really the tikind of opeth weve been used to in the first son ghtere is a chick osinger NOT THAT THERES ANYTING WRONG WITH ATAT im not a sexist or atying, i just hink i mean what is that its not they rstyle, also mearitn axentor. so what do your ugys think s the est album i mea i really like deliveracne, its the heavitest, alos still ife is the most epic, what eabout may arms your yearse, tahts a good one too and blawckwate rpart k i mean that s the first one i eve rgot into so it hodls a psecial place for me, what can you sya, i kdont know opeth is just son awesome and i can never foerget them as long as i live , they will awlawsy hold that place in my heart, i ean we al have a f avarotei ban d or wathever but i thn k tyhey are really speical . so that sjust my two scents jsu t let met know if your agree iwth me.

you mean 2-3 years, I agree.