off-topic.... American football


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Though I am the king of off-topic, you will never see a baseball, basketball...etc. post from me, but it is football (tackle) time. This post is actually geared toward Europeans, not Americans. In ten years soccer will be a major event in the US because our youth are playing it. I am also hoping American football is gaining some popularity in Europe.
As all have noticed, I am not one of those American type that thinks I am better than others from a different countries. The ONE thing I think America has that most countries don't is our style of football. I really want any sports fans out there to give it a serious chance. It is an extremely complicated game and it took me about 10 years to fully understand at a players level, much less at a coach's level.
Once you get a basic concept of the game, there is nothing like it. It is catching on in Europe, but the progress is slow. I have a Pittsburgh Steeler (football team) buddy named Jochen in germany. Just give it a chance guys. ^___^

I have always believed that a huge reason why your style of football has such a low profile over here is that we suck at it. ...I know I do, but to be honest I've never really tried and opportunities have been sparse not to say non-existant.
You know Bryant, that's a good question... I never actually PLAYED American football, mainly out of fear of getting crushed by someone ten times larger than I am, lol

I like to watch it though and I played the old Madden Football (computer) games until I became quite good at choosing plays... which just makes watching the Bears lose all the more infuriating, hehe.

Should you guys ever get a chance to catch a game over here, don't go to see the Bears, they stink! lol
(Guess who is still irritated over last night's American Football game, hehe)
Bryant said:
I am also hoping American football is gaining some popularity in Europe.
It does, although I doubt someone here understands it :grin: I know I don't. Never tried though. I'm not that interested in watching sports....and if I do, it would be basketball and ice-hockey or soccer. But I haven't really a clue about players, leagues don't ask me, hehe.
I have no clue of what the rules in American Football are. I don't even understand what the goal is.
I know some of the rules in soccer, but I never enjoyed looking at it. (The goal is to get the stupid ball into the goal)
but ..
I know some of the rules of snooker, enough to enjoy watching it.... now .... THAT is something we do not have enough of anyware. ... ah well, rumors say snooker is played alot in GB.
Urban breed said:
I have always believed that a huge reason why your style of football has such a low profile over here is that we suck at it. ...I know I do, but to be honest I've never really tried and opportunities have been sparse not to say non-existant.

Unless you are 10 years old or under (kids are made of iron and don't have far to fall to the ground,) American football requires a lot of equipment to play or people are going to get hurt. The rugby players are very tough and there is no doubt about that, but the style of contact they have is different. To play baseball or European football (soccer) all you need is a ball and something to make some goals or bases out of. With enough players and a big enough field, you could simulate a professional game. Without helmets and pads, all you would end up doing by simulating a pro (or college) American football game is makingthe local doctors and hospitals happy and wealthy.
I think another problem with the game is because plays start and stop and 22 men all move at the same time each doing different things, so it looks more like brutal chaos than an extremely complicated sport which it actually is. The learning curve for American football is very large. I have been a fan for over 20 years and my understanding of it is not even at a level where I could coach at a High school.

WIntersReflection said:
You know Bryant, that's a good question... I never actually PLAYED American football, mainly out of fear of getting crushed by someone ten times larger than I am, lol

I like to watch it though and I played the old Madden Football (computer) games until I became quite good at choosing plays... which just makes watching the Bears lose all the more infuriating, hehe.

Should you guys ever get a chance to catch a game over here, don't go to see the Bears, they stink! lol
(Guess who is still irritated over last night's American Football game, hehe)

Yeah The Bears need some help, but maybe the new coach will help start getting things turned around for them. I've got Madden 2002 and 2003. My playstation went South though so I have to get another one. : (

ZeiMoT said:
I have no clue of what the rules in American Football are. I don't even understand what the goal is.
I know some of the rules in soccer, but I never enjoyed looking at it. (The goal is to get the stupid ball into the goal)
but ..
I know some of the rules of snooker, enough to enjoy watching it.... now .... THAT is something we do not have enough of anyware. ... ah well, rumors say snooker is played alot in GB.

Yep, snooker is quite interesting. In a town I lived in about 15 years ago, there was a game room that had a snooker table. I have played many times, but that is the only one I have ever seen here. I think it is more common in England. Here we play, eight ball, nine ball and cut-throat. In England they play billiards and snooker from what I understand. Just be wary of Koreans... I don't know how many Koreans are in Sweden, but they will take your money. Ha ha ha. Many of the most famous pool players in the US aren't American at all, they are Korean.

insidethefall said:
I watch my hometown team, the Pittsburgh Steelers but that's about all. Personally I like Football (soccer) more although I'm not a huge sports fan

Since Alabama doesn't have a pro team, The Steelers are my adopted team as well. I was raised as a Bama fan and still am, but loved football so much, I decided to watch it on Sundays too. I started watching a new young coach in 1992 who believed in running the ball and crazy blitz packages, namely Bill Cowher and have been a fan since.
