man who plays drum
v01c354nd51gn5 said:this one's from middle school. heh. a while ago.
How do you get an elephant out of the fridge?
Take the "F" out of "way."
the other person is sposed to think about it for a while, then say "there's no effin' way!"
(no "F" in "way")
Drummer Joke Time!!!
There are 3 types of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.
What did the drummer get on his IQ test?
Two drummers walk into a bar. ...which is kinda funny, cuz you would think the second one woulda seen the first one do it.
How do you confuse a drummer?
Put sheet music infront of him.
How do you stop a drummer?
Put notes on it.
A guy walks into a shop and says, "You got one of them Marshall Hiwatt AC30 amplificatior thingies and a Gobson StratoBlaster geetar with a Fried Rose tremulo?" The guy behind the counter looks at him with a blank stare and says, "You're a drummer, aren't you?" The guy says, "Yeah, how'd you know?" The guy behind the counter says, "This is a travel agency."
What do you get if you cross a drummer with a gorrilla?
A really dumb gorrilla.
A mother asks her son what he wants to be when he grows up. The kid replies, "I want to be a drummer!". The mother then says, "Now son, you can't do both..."
and if you are in a symphonic concert band and dont like your director...
What's the difference between a bull and this band?
A bull has the horns in the front and the asshole in the back.
How do you know when a drummer is at your door?
The knocking gets faster.
thats all for now.
I dont know whether to giggle, or groan because their all true....
3.1 GPA last year, hooray, im mediocre in high school!