Off Topic: Sociology project again *Please help!!!*


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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OK, i am taking another sociology class, this one is on race and ethnicity. For my final project (due sometime in december) i am going to do racism in metal. What i want to know is if you guys know any racist bands (doesn't matter if they are neo nazi, skinhead, kkk, etc. etc.). Also, if you are of any ethnicity (white included) and have encountered metal based racism anywhere, i'd be interested to hear about it (ex. at a slayer show one of the slayer fans was yelling at a black dude, basically saying he can't like slayer because he's black). So if you can name bands or experiances, that'd be SUPER helpful. Also, just so everyone knows, i'm not necissarily doing it from the standpoint of them being "bad" bands... i'm simply doing it as a factual report and how it can relate to society in general, and what impact it has. Also, i don't want to ruin this board with racist remarks, so if you have any racist views, i would love to hear them but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them in a pm or email ( or msn by that name OR aim at seventoungs. I appreciate any help.

the only one i can think of is Burzum and im not sure i even spelled that right. If you look up nazi metal im sure you will find a ton. I think I downloaded it just cause i was curious but found it completely awful
ok, i have found some good sites and such from other friends. What about personal experiances? Someone has to have something. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Well, aside from the bands that are specifically racist, I'm not sure you'll find much racism occuring at any non-political metal band's concerts. I remember going to concerts a lot when I was younger and everyone got along fine, whether they were black, white, whatever. I think it's more the "metal community" thing that brings us together as fans. You kind of look past the race issue and see that you can have common bonds with people of other races. It's more when you try to cross those musical lines that the differences are magnified, such as a metal fan and a rap fan would have a hard time finding common ground (normally).

Anyway, if you hadn't chosen it already, you could always right a report on how metal fans who live the lifestyle (i.e. long hair, concert T's, leather or jean jackets, etc.) are discriminated against. I remember when I was in high school me and a few of my friends were going to a concert and he got pulled over for speeding. Just because of how we were dressed the cops asked us to get out of the car and they searched us all for drugs. They didn't find any, but their excuse was that we were acting nervous in the car, which was the furthest thing from the truth. That was just their excuse. Not that I think it mattered, but both cops were black. Honestly, I think even white cops would have done the same thing. Other than that, I just remember a few instances of store owners watching me cautiously as if I was going to steal something. Little things like that.

Anyway, just a thought. :)
I remember going to a show with my brother and his friend one time (though i don't remember who we had gone to see) and my brother's friend made a comment about seeing a black guy there. He said something about how cool he thought it was that a black guy could like this kind of music. It is so rare that I see black people into metal. However, I think that metal really is a universal kind of genre. Just look at all the places around the world that metal bands tour to and come from. A country like Japan where rules of conduct in their culture are so different from ours, it's hard to imagine them headbanging, you know? Not that I'm saying Japanese are uptight, but they look at our laidback culture in disgust. I guess I'm talking about that because I'm learning about that in anthropology right now. Metal is a type of music that brings different people together.

Thanks a lot... and I know what you mean amanda. I saw a huge black dude at the opeth show and i was like "whoa... cool". and honestly, it is wierd to see the bodom bootleg from japan where there are a ton of little japanese people going nuts for bodom hehehe... awesome stuff.
I haven't encountered any racism at metal shows, and I frequently attended them with 3 black dudes I am good friends with. I got a feeling certain areas of the US/world propagate racism among the "scene" though.
I have personally never seen or experienced racism at concerts, nor among fans of the music that I like. (I like to think that there is a higher standard among the people that listen to the bands I like.:) ) My concert experience includes the western United States and Japan.

I'm of Scandinavian and English ancestry, and when I see a black person at a show, I do notice, and am maybe even a little surprised. It isn't because of any bigotry. (By way of context for my observations, I should probably explain that I view the concept of "race" to be, at best, meaningless, and at worst artificially divisive. It has always been a non-issue for me, and I have never been able to relate to the feelings of people who use race as a basis for anything, good or bad. The whole thing is completely irrational.)

Anyway, I notice a black person at a metal show merely because it is something that is infrequent. It's basically on the same level as if I were to see a professor of engineering walking through my department (East Asian Studies). I have nothing against professors of engineering, but you don't see them hanging out in East Asian Studies very often. In other words, there is no value judgment involved.

I know that there are bands that are bigots and proud of it, but I am convinced that it is a very small minority. For the most part, the metal community is the most open and accepting of people from various areas of society. I should qualify that statement by saying that I really don't include fans of what has been mainstream metal. For example, trend-metal bands like Guns and Roses, Metallica, etc., since they have had (at various times) a huge trend-follower fan base, have included a lot more of the "disreputable" types among their fans, along with "normal" people.

Since bigot-bands are such an anomaly, my approach would probably be to examine why racism is so RARE in metal. (In other words, have us painted in a positive light, for a change!)
The Metal Chick said:
A country like Japan where rules of conduct in their culture are so different from ours, it's hard to imagine them headbanging, you know?
There is actually plenty of headbanging, but the thing that is very different from what I've seen in the US is the continuous fist-pumping. The fists are up from start to finish, EVERYBODY doing it. Not a lot of really wild stuff, usually, but lots of enthusiasm, nonetheless. And they're all doing it without being stoned!
I've been to metal gigs and seen people of all nationalities there, black white asian indian middle eastern, at first I was like.. 'wow cool' but when you think about it and think about the countries where the biggest fanbases are (japan, south america, parts of the middle east), its really not such a big surprise. I think metal has its own culture that really has nothing to do with whatever country you're brought up in, it's pretty universal. So no I can't say I've seen any racism, bigotry or unwelcoming attitudes. In fact the truth is I've found the absolute opposite. I think metal is the most welcoming community I've ever seen of anywhere.
SilentRealm, that picture is freaking me out...I actually jumped when I first looked at it. Is it from the movie The Ring? (That's what it reminds me of, anyway.)
It's been a few years since I saw Ringu, but I thought I recognized Sadako's eye. It's about the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

Except for racism, that is! (I had to throw that in so it didn't look like we were disrupting the thread topic.)
hmm...interesting, Liar vs. Racis, whats worse? I'de have to say Racism, i mean killing, abusing or whatever someone else just for being black, asian, jewish etc is just the lowest.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
hmm...interesting, Liar vs. Racis, whats worse? I'de have to say Racism, i mean killing, abusing or whatever someone else just for being black, asian, jewish etc is just the lowest.
Racism = Views
Lies = Distortion

Actions are actions descended from both schools.
Obstructing the truth is infinitely more dangerous.