Racism thread.

Dec 27, 2004
So, I know a lot of people on here joke around about racism, including myself. I also know that there are plenty of people that are very serious about racial issues/racism and have very right wing views, etc. and I was wondering what their thoughts where, if they can be summed up.

SO: Lets here it. Are you actually racist, or just joke about it? Why are you a racist, or why do you think that racism is acceptable etc.?
I joke about it, because I feel if you make it feel like it's nothing, then it may become nothing.....which it should be.
swizzlenuts said:
I joke about it, because I feel if you make it feel like it's nothing, then it may become nothing.....which it should be.
Aye, exactly my thoughts. High five! [/Borat] Geniune racism is quite frightening when it comes right down to it, but if you don't take it seriously it can be some of the best humoUr around.

I call my Middle Eastern woman terrorist and sand my pals all the time. On some family outting she made her mom sit on the camel on the merry-go-round because it "just fit," so yeah, we have similar viewpoints on the whole deal.
You know, I've nearly made a thread like this on a few occasions because sometimes I wonder whether I'm the only person on this board who isn't racist. That isn't entirely fair, because as you said a lot of is joking around, but yeah, there does seem to be some genuine racism here.

It seems to me (based entirely on the posters of this board, haha) that America seems to be a pretty racist country compared to the UK.
When you meet a truly bigoted person, it is one of the foulest things you can experience. And believe you me, there are a lot of them even in whacky liberal left coast California.
I do think the joking around is often really funny. Everyone should be able to make jokes at each others expense without people getting overly sensitive about it.
Doom said:
You know, I've nearly made a thread like this on a few occasions because sometimes I wonder whether I'm the only person on this board who isn't racist. That isn't entirely fair, because as you said a lot of is joking around, but yeah, there does seem to be some genuine racism here.

It seems to me (based entirely on the posters of this board, haha) that America seems to be a pretty racist country compared to the UK.
that's because you guys got to go out and subjugate numerous races and we really only had the native americans, and the blacks on sublet from your colonial practices.

I take racist humoUr like I do any other form of offensive type, if you dish it out, you better be able to take it. I've known people who rely on ragging on the misfortune of others to make teh funnay, then as soon as you give them one back, they balk and get offended. I fucking hate people like that, but then I just laugh at their obvious insecurity and bail.

That being said, white people smell too.
NADatar said:
When you meet a truly bigoted person, it is one of the foulest things you can experience. And believe you me, there are a lot of them even in whacky liberal left coast California.

Are there people like the Derek Vienyard (American History X) around So Cal? I've never met anyone to THAT extreme, but I know a few (without going into details, a few I know very closely and are family members). Totally disagree with ignorance and racism.

Ideally though, I would like to see the world where people can say "You know what dude, this is shit. Get your act together." WITHOUT fear of being judged as a bigot. There has been more than a few times where I've been pressured into agreeing with something someone else from a different race (or even my own) has said that I totally disagreed with. This does not help their case.
Furious B said:
Are there people like the Derek Vienyard (American History X) around So Cal?

There are some in Boston, but all the 'real' Skinheads always beat the shit out of them. Thats the thing about skins, they really really really want to show everyone how non-racist and non-nazi they are so they beat the shit out of a lot of facists, hah.
Furious B said:
Are there people like the Derek Vienyard (American History X) around So Cal?
Yes. The City of Redlands (north of me by 20 miles, which makes it northeast of LA by about 60) is notorious for their white power circles.

In my city there's a giant white cross on top of a low mountain that, not too many decades ago, was used to ward off The my pals from living here. There's also a ravine I drive by regularly that was once home to our local Asian Town, until they were run out by fire and pitchfork. Fun stuff! Of course I'm not exactly sure how accurate these accounts are, but they didn't surprise me in the least when I first heard of them. Being a redneck out here is a sense of pride for a lot of folk, I dun't get it.
I posted some shit about this in another thread. It's like the topic of the day or something.
So, yeah, I'm not racist as there ISN'T such a thing as race. It's not scientifically valid. Nor am I racist in the usual sense. Yeah, I think racial stuff is funny on the web and in some movies ("that camel-fucker in Iraq", "the Chinaman who peed on my rug", etc.) but in real life it's in terrible taste and quite embarassing.
If anything I loathe certain cultures, like the "I'm entitled to free shit" culture. Many subcultures are annoying as well, like the suburbian must-maintain-status-quo-no-independent-thought-please American.
Haha, one time I ordered Chinese food...or maybe Japanese food, late at night and when I called and the person picked up and was American, I was so fucking relieved. So much so that I remember it vividly, haha.
I await Reign In Acai response to this thread :D

In my case, I occasionnally make racist jokes, but I'm not a racist myself, nor do I know anyone who is one. There aren't a lot of black people or latinos around here, they all gather in Montreal for some reason.
Having people of different appearance and culture is a great thing, it's only those who are too narrow minded to see past skin level or "oh, they don't talk like me" that make it an issue.

I really wish the area I lived in was MORE diverse as it's about 50/50 white/hispanic and I never got the chance to grow up around more black/asian/middle eastern folk which is a shame. I think that my generation, for the most part, has grown up without seeing color, which is a step in the right direction. I work with a black guy, one of the only ones here and he's been a good friend. I just wish there was more variety in the wimmens around here, I get tired of the same 'ol same 'ol constantly.

I look like a Cherokee indian for the most part (and sort of am), especially since I grew my hair out and I love it. All the hispanic chicks dig on me, probably because I look more like them, so that's a bonus, and yet I more often that not have ended up doing things like Prom and more serious type stuff with white chicks. I'd like to be around more black women as I find them extremely attractive, and yet I foresee myself marrying an asian woman. Fuck, I love diversity.:kickass: :lol:

And yeah, it's fun to joke about too, because really, there is NOTHING in life that anyone should ever be offended about. If you ever feel upset by someone's comments or guilty about your own, that's just not right. Really, we've come a long way, the 60s weren't that long ago and people need to realize that despite a small group clinging on to the past, America has made pretty amazing progress over such a short period of time.