Racism thread.

My problem is separating out the jokers from the serious people. I've had enough real racists around me (including family members) who really do just drop "my pals" and "spic" into their conversations so naturally and casually that when I see people using the words at all, it just gets my skin crawling.
hmm ... I have friends from every corner of the world, but I still hate certain "kinds of people" ... really the ones that are fanatical about their race or religion ... no matter what that may be.

the funniest shit, my Indian friend, who has basically black skin absolutely hates black people ... he said that if his daugther ever tries to brign home a black guy as her date she will kill him.

black guy: "but wait, your father's black ... huh?"
Haha I knew there would be people in this thread (that I have perceived to be pretty racist) saying that they aren't racist.

I guess it depends on how you define being a racist. I love it when you hear people saying "I'm not racist, BUT...." and then go on to demonstrate that they are in fact racist.
If you hate all people equally then you love them all equally as well, so you might as well just say it, softy =).
I consider some african americans as valued members of society. However this conclusion is not drawn until you have proven to me your worth. When I see a filthy disgusting dark skinned sasquatch drag his knuckles in my general vicinity, all I can do is grimace at the sight of his inability to take advantage of the emancipation of his kind. Negars are generally the laziest people I have ever come across and are perfectly satisfied with doing the bare minimum that is required of them. This trait I have found, is inherent in the African American genus type. They feel as if it is their God given right to scrape through life on the emotional guilt ridden sleeve of the white man. I know many "Africans" who have recently transplanted from Africa to make a better life for themselves in the states. And may I honestly say that these are some of the most hard working individuals I have ever come across. Yet Negar Americans still continue to wallow in their own self pity. As if the chains of despair are still wrapped around their nubian necks. Just look at New Orleans. (Too bad monkeys know how to swim) The citizens of New Orleans are a prime example that negar americans are a primal species that should have remained tamed under a white thumb. You can thank the bleeding heart liberals who actually felt it was a good idea to let these wild beasts turn the United States in to a serengeti of thievery, murder, and deception. Now the white man is the one that is held captive. We are binded by our own guilt, as if we were the ones cracking the whips over a century and a half ago. Why should I be made to feel a weary conscious over a few dead slaves that wouldn't amount to much more if they were left in their own sun scorched safari? Fuck that! I don't take too kindly to my pals who think it's funny to make a running joke of white america. Turn on any HBO comedy hour featuring a disgusting filthy slimey rotton my pals and you will notice that your fair skin is the punchline. Yet if a white comedian were to do such an act, he'd be branded a racist. In closing, ABRAHAM LINCOLN... I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!

One needs only to watch this video to understand why I hate my pals!!!
Race means nothing to me, I welcome diversity (besides blasting hip-hop at 100 plus decibels when I'm trying to read/listen anyway) and I usually consider stereotype-derived jokes to be among the laziest forms of humor, though I'm not uptight about displays of racism unless they are motivated by genuine hate...I believe passing on racist beliefs to your children is one of the worst crimes one can commit upon the soul.
dorian gray said:
If anything I loathe certain cultures, like the "I'm entitled to free shit" culture.

Exactly my thoughts, this happens alot in Australia with "aboriginals" they get paid to stay in school and get welfair just because who they are for two examples. I dont think this helps the advancing of them in society it's the same with african americans they feel cheated by the white man. We still get the "it's our land" crap, sure you were here first good for you.. now get over it! and stop dwelling on past issues and try and make something of yourself in the current society as its not going to change anything otherwise.

in closing, i dont think im racist in the full sense of the word, in a perfect world everyone would see see through "colour" but its up to both sides to make that happen.