Racism thread.

Opeth17 said:
What's the deal with jews btw. Look like white people, but "have different blood" right? wtf, if you aren't religious, what's the explanation for judai hatred?
I've always wondered too.
Israelites and Jews are a racial heritage, supposedly, and has nothing to do with religions. A Religious Jew/Judaist can be any race or color.

Claws of Perdition said:
all organised religions are gay* therefore jews are gay

*except maybe buddism

I don't get why Buddhism gets a free pass all the time when it comes to organized religion and it's gayness. We all know that the hatred of organized religion (usually) has nothing to do with what that religion actually believes, and just how it has been twisted and used in the past. I don't understand why people, in fact almost everyone I've talked to about the matter, seems to think Buddhism is free from all this? I'm not saying that you are one of these people, but this just reminded me of that and who ever heard of an RC thread that stayed on topic anyways.
Buddhism seems to be free of all the crap, in saying this i havnt researched it all. But it teach's peace and harmony not you dont believe in my religion im better then you and you will go to hell and im going to persecute you now. Correct me if im wrong on the buddhism thing.
Claws of Perdition said:
Buddhism seems to be free of all the crap, in saying this i havnt researched it all. But it teach's peace and harmony not you dont believe in my religion im better then you and you will go to hell and im going to persecute you now. Correct me if im wrong on the buddhism thing.

Though it may not be as prevelant as in other religions, it does happen/has happend in Buddhism. I'm trying to get some sources right now.

'Zen at War' is a book about how Buddhism was used to promote WWII for example.
( http://www.bpf.org/tsangha/loy-victoria.html )

Also, there is A LOT of 'You are going to Hell' in Buddhism, contrary to what people believe, especially in the Theravada tradition.

Here is a Buddhist video talking about how you are all going to Hell:

EDIT: Damnit, doesn't work. Oh well. Needless to say you all have bad Karma and are going to have demons tear out your entrails and strangle you with them for a few thousand years before your next rebirth =).
its official all religions are gay, i hate the scare tactics with religions, do this or you go to hell! fuck you!! i'll do as i please and attempt to make myself and other i care for happy on my own terms not yours. I believe thats what makes a better and stronger person, not needing a security blanket there.
Claws of Perdition said:
its official all religions are gay, i hate the scare tactics with religions, do this or you go to hell! fuck you!! i'll do as i please and attempt to make myself and other i care for happy on my own terms not yours. I believe thats what makes a better and stronger person, not needing a security blanket there.

=D That's what I like to hear. Of course, obviously I myself don't think Buddhism is lame, but I much perfer people to come to conclusions based on reality rather than put Buddhism on some pedestal where it can't be touched.

And, as with any religion, it is only the wankers who use scare tactics. This is especially useless in Buddhism as it gets in the way of practice and metta. Those teachings really don't have anything to do with Buddhism or the teachings of Shakyamuni or anything, so it is a perfect example of people perverting teachings to do certain things.

It's all up to you anyways, no savior, no one to forgive you when you mess up. Only yourself.

"Mind is the forerunner of (all evil) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox.

Mind is the forerunner of (all good) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, AFFECTION follows one, even as one's shadow that never leaves. "
Dhammapada: Yammakavagga - The Pairs verse. 1

Contrast this with the first verse of the Bible and you can see a huge difference, IE: Christianty - God will watch out for you, he is the all seeing loving God etc. etc. Buddhism - You're pretty much on your own, champ, don't fuck up.

Also, don't take my word for anything, haha.

Hehehe. :tickled:
Isn't Buddhism a philosophy instead of a religion? I mean, Buddha made it clear that he isn'T a god, just a man.
Sure but some douchebags can't even get that right and deify him. And Tully, surely you don't think Buddhism is at all comparable to the amount of wars, death, and suffering the Abrahamic religions have caused or contributed to?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Sure but some douchebags can't even get that right and deify him. And Tully, surely you don't think Buddhism is at all comparable to the amount of wars, death, and suffering the Abrahamic religions have caused or contributed to?

It's comparable at times, but not as horrible or anything. That doesn't meen it's completely free of all 'bad things' as some people want to believe.

Also, Buddhism is a religion. When it started it was more a philosophy inside of a Hindu religious frame, but in time it has adapted and changed into it's own religion. Some sects are more outwardly religious then others (Tibetan Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism come to mind) but they are all religions.

Again this is my opinion and I'de love to hear others.
It's comparable at times, but not as horrible or anything. That doesn't meen it's completely free of all 'bad things' as some people want to believe.

Granted, I'm no expert but I would think if anything is comparable in the East to the role religion played in wars in the West (less often the cause than a simple means with which to use the masses) it would be Confucianism.
Seems like most of you aren't racist at all, but racism makes what you are easier. IE: Being black has nothing to do with the fact that blacks do things you hate, it has to do with situation and class, but sense the majority of the people in that situation are black, it's easier just to say that being black is some kind of prerequisite.
i agree, but er...that *is* racism, attributing certain (inferior) qualities to a particular ethnic or racial population on a general basis. obviously the qualities they dislike aren't caused by race, nor are they so broadly applicable, that's what makes it racism.

i think racial humor in movies/internet/etc can be hilarious but i agree with dorian, in real life it's almost always in painfully poor taste. unless it's stuff like "stop being a jew and pay up", because jewish humor is always funny because it makes no sense at all. regarding black comedians and ripping on white dudes, i'd say that a white guy saying "so how about those lazy black guys eh?" is several orders of magnitude more racist than a black guy saying "so how about those uptight white guys eh?" the implication of what is being said is rather different imo, given the historical context.

in closing, racists and homophobes are scum. die, scum. :wave:

NADatar said:
On some family outting she made her mom sit on the camel on the merry-go-round because it "just fit," so yeah, we have similar viewpoints on the whole deal.
never, ever leave this woman :lol:
Judaism's an ethnicity, a culture, and a religion all in one. I'm really fucking far from observant (the last time I went to a synagogue was to see a free showing of The Producers), but I consider myself Jewish regardless.

And I have no patience or tolerance for racism.

I saw some grafitti on the sidewalk in Vancouver today. It consisted of a swastika and the phrase "KILL ALL NIGGES." Spelled like that. If you can't fucking spell your own racist epithets, you got far bigger problems than black men raping your pure Aryan princess daughters. Why is it that the biggest proponents of racial supremacy tend to be the most convincing testimony against it?

Oh yeah, cause it's fucking retarded.

I think Tully nailed it a page back, I'm too lazy to quote but you all know what I'm talking about.