Racism thread.

anyone watch Maury Povich? man, that guy always has janked up ugly black people on his show trying to "fin' out who my baby daddy is? let me ax you dat quesion."
dorian gray said:
Look, asshole, is there a way to quantify anything you just said? Has it occured to you that the "races" you mentioned might not be so cut and dry? Is it possible that people of different "races" may have procreated once or twice in human history?
yes? how does the fact that races sometimes mix negate the fact that different races exist? would the poodle and the chihuahua stop existing if they interbred and produced a mixed breed dog?

dorian gray said:
My wife's dad was black and her mom is white. Which "race" does she fall under then? I never said there weren't differences in superficial human characteristics, just that the idea of "race" isn't "scientifically valid".
and you've COMPLETELY failed to prove or even argue in favour of that point
explain to me how you can simultaneously recognize that races are different and reject the concept that races exist?
there are different breeds of dogs but they are all dogs.

there are different breeds of horses but they are all horses.

there are different breeds of humans but they are all humans.

my wife is a cornucopea (sp) of stuff, Irish, African, Native American...wild.

One of the wisest things I have ever read:
"You don't have to be black to be a fuckin' my pals."
- Ronnie van Zandt
Erik said:
yes? how does the fact that races sometimes mix negate the fact that different races exist? would the poodle and the chihuahua stop existing if they interbred and produced a mixed breed dog?

and you've COMPLETELY failed to prove or even argue in favour of that point
explain to me how you can simultaneously recognize that races are different and reject the concept that races exist?
I thought of that after I posted; you're right. But, all I'm trying to get across is that there is no such scientific concept as race. There's kingdom, phylum, genus, species, etc. No "race". The concept of race contends that certain very specific characteristics apply to a very specific group of people but that's simply not accurate. There's no use for the concept of race in any kind of dicussion other than a "racist" one. The concept is too prone to overgeneralization (to state the obvious).
"...from a scientific point of view, the concept of race has failed to obtain any consensus; none is likely, given the gradual variation in existence...."

"Although there is no doubt that there is only one human species, there are clearly no objective reasons for stopping at any particular level of taxonomic splitting."

"Statistically, genetic variation within clusters is large compared with that between clusters."

And probably the most comprehensive point to my argument is backed up by:

"There has been too little time for the accumulation of a substantial divergence."

Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. 1994. the History And Geography of Human Genes
dorian gray said:
I thought of that after I posted; you're right. But, all I'm trying to get across is that there is no such scientific concept as race. There's kingdom, phylum, genus, species, etc. No "race".

dorian gray said:
The concept of race contends that certain very specific characteristics apply to a very specific group of people but that's simply not accurate.
says you. i think you're wrong. i don't think you're making a very convincing argument either, because you're just stating shit like it's fact, without further explanation, which is not a good route to go when your argument is disprovable in 4 fucking seconds because you have absolutely NO ground to stand on.

take two "specific groups of people": african negroids and european caucasians. negroids have brown skin, curly black hair, bigger lips, brown eyes, etc, and those are just some of very shallow differences. there's your "very specific characteristics"; no other human race has those characteristics in that combination. all members of the negroid race do.

dorian gray said:
There's no use for the concept of race in any kind of dicussion other than a "racist" one. The concept is too prone to overgeneralization (to state the obvious).
irrelevant to your argument. noone cares if there's a "use for it in a discussion" or not, if you're going to talk about science, stick to science
Erik said:
says you. i think you're wrong. i don't think you're making a very convincing argument either, because you're just stating shit like it's fact, without further explanation, which is not a good route to go when your argument is disprovable in 4 fucking seconds because you have absolutely NO ground to stand on.
Jesus, you're a bitter young man. Never mind that I'm quoting some of the most brilliant, most well-researched minds of anthropology and evolutionary history. You, a 20 year old student of "music engineering" or whatever apparently know alot more than they do! Good for you!
Erik said:
take two "specific groups of people": african negroids and european caucasians. negroids have brown skin, curly black hair, bigger lips, brown eyes, etc, and those are just some of very shallow differences. there's your "very specific characteristics"; no other human race has those characteristics in that combination. all members of the negroid race do.
:lol: Total speculation, man. At least I quoted some research.