Racism thread.

Erik said:
no, but i'm certainly not the only one to think that the DENIAL that there are different human races is a social construct (to use an euphemism for "outright fucking lie")

who's lying? it's obvious that there is not complete agreement so please, don't pretend like there is.

there are variations within the negroid race, yes. much like europeans are very different. you can distinguish between a pole, a swede, a brit, a greek, etc very easily. BUT every man can be classified into one of four or five main races pretty easily. while an egyptian may be paler than some central african dude, some traits of the negroid like the curly hair and brown eyes do NOT "fade gradually" or anything like that. they are characteristics of the negroid race and the negroid race only.

bah, this is horseshit dude. why do you think there are differences within the races? like, why would there be variations in people from say Nigeria and then people from liberia? so why would that not extend to somewhere like Egypt (part of africa) to the middle east where there still many similarities. Then you say, 'well, okay, races exist because look at this white skinned blue eyed person and a dark skin brown eyed person and it is a race?' the difference is only because of the extremes of exterior differences.

so, like a mediterranean guy next to an egyptian dude is going to have less of a difference than someone from Nigera and a Russian. See? If you peg it off square like what you're trying to do, yes, it's like "holy fuck, whole different world" but if you move slowly from region to region it begins to make sense and the traits that one place once had GRADUALLY change into something a little different as you move from one area to the other.

To lighten this up a bit, a quote from Peter of Family Guy:

Peter Griffen said:
Look all I'm saying is put a palastinine and an israeli next to each other, and I can't tell the difference

i've never argued for or against "relevance" or "shallowness" of racial characteristics

right, and my case is that it's more SOCIAL than anything.
also scientifically valid this and scientifically valid that, for one there's no doubt that scientists disagree on the question. i don't think you, or the ONE dude you quoted some work by, is at any position to say what is and what isn't "scientifically valid". what matters here is that you said this:

So, yeah, I'm not racist as there ISN'T such a thing as race.

which is what i'm arguing against. DIFFERENT HUMAN RACES EXIST
who's lying?
p.c. crew, western society

it's obvious that there is not complete agreement so please, don't pretend like there is.
if you re-read that i think you'll find that i wasn't doing anything of the sort

Furious B said:
but if you move slowly from region to region it begins to make sense and the traits that one place once had GRADUALLY change into something a little different as you move from one area to the other.
no. the fundamental, defining characteristics of a race DO NOT change gradually. do not. change. gradually! at some point, you're going to get out of africa and "holy shit, they don't actually have that curly black hair anymore!" smack bam just like that. that's a fundamental racial difference. just like when you go further north, suddenly people will start having blonde hair. it's not like you go pitch black, brown, a little lighter, a little lighter, almost blonde now, blonde!
More citations,
"The concept of race is biologically meaningless."

"Today there are anywhere from three to sixty races, depending on the taxonomist"

Shermer, M. 1997. Why People Believe Wierd Things

"....It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separate pigeonholes. The living world is a contiuum in each and every one of its aspects."

Kinsey, A.C. 1948. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
wait so there are middle eastern and mediterranean people that DON'T display curly hair and brown eyes?

uhhh, what?
Furious B said:
wait so there are middle eastern and mediterranean people that DON'T display curly hair and brown eyes?

uhhh, what?
no umm brown eyes both races share

but curly hair ughhh you know as well as i do that there's a difference between negro curls and middle eastern curls. don't try to complicate shit just for the sake of it, if i could find a better word than "curly" i would but negroids have really small curls

alot of jews have curly hair, but they are clearly not african.
that answer goes for this one too
for example


this is not negro hair, i mean sure it's kinda curly and shit but it's totally different
Erik said:
p.c. crew, western society

See, you contradict yourself right here because you make this claim that people "outright fucking lie" but then you claim that "scientifically valid this and scientifically valid that, for one there's no doubt that scientists disagree on the question."

to hold such a strong view in spite of the unstable consensus on which it is based is merely that of opinion.

if you re-read that i think you'll find that i wasn't doing anything of the sort

dorian gray said:
More citations,
"The concept of race is biologically meaningless."
but the TEN MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION MATT, did he say nonexistent? i don't think he said nonexistent!

dorian gray said:
"Today there are anywhere from three to sixty races, depending on the taxonomist"

dorian gray said:
"....It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separate pigeonholes. The living world is a contiuum in each and every one of its aspects."
i'm pretty sure what we have is a human mind
Furious B said:
See, you contradict yourself right here because you make this claim that people "outright fucking lie" but then you claim that "scientifically valid this and scientifically valid that, for one there's no doubt that scientists disagree on the question."

to hold such a strong view in spite of the unstable consensus on which it is based is merely that of opinion.
ok you're right but you know, sometimes when something is FUCKING OBVIOUS enough, i think for any practical purpose, science can be disregarded
I see. So you're going by a post I made 42 pages back that was, "I'm not racist because there ISN'T such thing as race."? Correct? First, you took that out of context. Secondly, I didn't know that's what you were arguing. Thirdly, I was going by something I said recently, or at least thought I said, and that was that "race is not scientifically valid". And that's what I mean when I said "there ISN'T such thing as race." I wasn't expecting an argument when I posted that or I woulda been more specific.