Official Babe Thread

tooled: tässä sulle monica miller. aika juust just just...


06.jpg ...enjoy
In this thread there's only been asses that deserve to be kicked (except the one I posted). And kicked again, and again, and trampled on, and smashed & crushed to tiny little bits.

I need a spanking.
Hearse said:
@thebigyetti: That is why they invented THE AIRPLANE! :grin:

unfortunately i dont have the cash to hop from here to finland just to see good shows :(

last time i checked, a round trip ticket from atlanta to helsinki and back was like US$1400:ill: still cheaper than a jackson RR1:(

damn, i should just move over there
It's a bit off-topic, but i think you don't mind..?

and this is the first thing that I really
want to share with you...

after all this thread needs a bit MALE stupidity;)

I found it from the Helsingin Sanomat-NytLiite,
a finnish newspaper...

(ne miehet mölisee!!)

NP:Rakel Liekki in tv2!mau.
Well, I'm usually strongly against pornBUSINESS, because it's often
abusive and also illegal = mafia,
but in Rakel's case it seems the opposite.
She has chosen her own way, and seems to be enjoying it.
Also she differs, at least to me, from those 'uuh, aah, you got so big...ooh,
there's nothing I can do'-pornstars, who I actually pity...
Rakel seems full of life and also REAL.

But of course everybody has their own opinion...
It can be a bit cheap profession,
but it's entertainment, and popculture, as she herself said today;)
"Peppitukka" on varsin helppo kampaus tehdä. Itse käytän sitä jos tukka on esim. pesty edellispäivänä eikä joka päivä viitsisi pestä ja täytyy lähteä vaikkapa radalle ravintolailtaa viettämään. :grin: