Official buying advice thread

What is the difference between an overdrive pedal and a distortion pedal?

a distortion pedal distorts the signal. and overdrive boosts the signal. distortion sounds better with guitar than overdrive does but all that distortion with bass does is it adds fuzz in the background. overdrive will actually give you what you would think that "distortion" is suppose to sound like. this of course applies to bass, not guitar
I compared an overdrive with a distortion this past weekend and the overdrive sounded more like distortion than the actual distortion pedal. I'll have to do some more research
Out of curiosity, why do you want distorted bass? It's always been my impression that distorting a bass was a recipe for really shitty obnoxious noise and that you were better off just maxing the gain on the amp.
Well I'm trying to educate myself on why you want to distort your bass because like you say it's good to be educated but apparently you're some kinda fucking hypocrite because you talk about how you want to educate yourself but then when I try to educate myself you get all angry.
with the proper gear, distorted bass can sound good, with a nice tight sound. most people dont pull it off well though, largely because they dont know what theyre doing, and they play grind...
What is the difference between an overdrive pedal and a distortion pedal? I tried out both and the bass sounded like shit on an overdrive effect

When you distort bass frequencies, the result is mud.

The best distorted bass tones I have heard come from a dual mono set up, where there is a thin, trebly distorted sound, layered with a ridiculously thick and extremely clean tone. Extremely tight bass + Nice crispy overtones.

That said, I prefer clean bass. It goes better with just about everything.
When you distort bass frequencies, the result is mud.

The best distorted bass tones I have heard come from a dual mono set up, where there is a thin, trebly distorted sound, layered with a ridiculously thick and extremely clean tone. Extremely tight bass + Nice crispy overtones.

That said, I prefer clean bass. It goes better with just about everything.

So, what exactly does the overdrive do? I've heard the differences between the two, but I'd like to know how exactly it works.

EDIT: and before anyone goes GOOGLE MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT, I tried wiki but I didn't really understand and any other time I search for it, it brings up message boards.
So, what exactly does the overdrive do? I've heard the differences between the two, but I'd like to know how exactly it works.

EDIT: and before anyone goes GOOGLE MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT, I tried wiki but I didn't really understand and any other time I search for it, it brings up message boards.

Overdrive is a verb. Distortion is the result. You overdrive a circuit to produce distortion. They are largely the same thing.

That said, a typical overdrive pedal is cleaner and louder, and is designed to push the preamp more to get a more natural amp overdrive sound, whereas a distortion pedal has more built in overdrive.

How about volume pedals?

EB Volume pedals are supposed to be very good.
Well, the next pedals I would get would be an overdrive and a volume/wah most likely, but the overdrive isn't essential. I'd very much like a pitch shifter pedal that isn't confusing like the Boss one. I'll look into the Digitech Whammy.

Thanks for your help!