Official buying advice thread

And what is the advantage of this (Yeah. I'm too lazy to look this shit up.)

What is everyone's thoughts on the Line 6 Spider Vavle amps? The Bogner ones?

Since I like you enough, I'll do the dirty work for you

Guitar amplifiers are manufactured in two main forms. The "combination" (or combo) amplifier contains the amplifier head and guitar speakers in a single unit. The amplifier head or "amp head" contains the electronic circuitry constituting the preamp, built-in effects processing, and power amplifier. In the other form, the amplifier head is separate from the speakers, and joined to them by cables. The separate amplifier is called an amplifier head, and is commonly placed on top of one or more loudspeaker enclosures. A separate amplifier head placed atop a guitar speaker enclosure or guitar speaker cabinet forms an amplifier stack or "amp stack".

I'm not quite sure what the advantage is, but I would think it would have something to do with not having to sacrifice power for space like in a combo amp
Hey i'm looking at buying a new guitar, i'm currently using a Line 6 Spider III 150w Head with matching cab and im playing a Ltd Sc-207 which suits me for playing the Death Metal and the really driving/brutal stuff i love, but im looking for something with a really controlled, smooth more user friendly tone, just something i can use to release the soul of the music.

Any suggestions?

2 suggestions:
ditch the line 6, youre not gonna get any soul with it.

and put this in the proper thread...

and get an ibanez with a single coil in the neck, like some of the SA's
~gR~ imminent purchase, but what are people's feelings on the Ibanez Universe? I'm thinking seven-string for my next purchase and this seems like an attractive option to me (as something of an ibanez fan).
Could someone clue me in on what the advantage is of having a half stack with a pre-amp over a combo amp? I have a theory in my post above this but I'm not sure
a big advantage is volume. more power in a head. more speakers can push more air. i'm sure there are others as well.
OK so I never got hold of the guitar I talked about winning on ebay previously.

Which is a better first guitar? Ibanez GRG-170DX or ESP LTD M50?
Hey so we're planning on doing another recording in early 2009. I'm in a situation where I have to choose which to get- an onoard preamp or a bass DI. I don't think I'll have time to get both unless I find an outrageous deal on a DI.

The preamp I'd be getting is an Audere 3ZB with a 4-band EQ, and just the basic 3-mode Z-switch. It has a low battery indicator, so that's a plus. I'd have to get a couple stacked knobs, as well. If I chose to get this, I'd either have to record through the XLR out on my amp or through my 8x10 cabinet.

The bass DI I'd be getting is a Seymour Duncan Paranormal. It has 3 bands of equalization and a "slap contour" switch. I could go right to the soundboard with this, and wouldn't have to lug around a massive 810 cab.

Which do you guys thinks would be the better choice?
youve ben wanting that audere for a while, and its a bad ass piece of equipment. the AHK guys still gonna install it?
For bass recording, you can get a pretty excellent sound just by plugging the bass straight into the PC and using free plugins.

So I would worry more about improving the bass tone. I guess the onboard preamp would be the best choice.
they also make these usb things that you can plug mics and guitars directly into. i'll find an example...
Anyone had any experience with Rally Guitars? They are copies basically, made in the Epiphone and (maybe) Hamer factory.