Official buying advice thread

For $200 you're not gonna get anything much better than the warlock. Save up.
Also any BCR you could afford will be shit. You'll want a low-end Ibanez, but you'll have to spend at least $3-400 to get anything that qualifies as an instrument.
hey umm im lookin for a metal guitar but im very very low in budget (about 200), and i need a new guitar since i only have a bc rich warlock that my brother had, but its very old.
waht kind of guitar should i buy??

I recommend the Dean ML XM, it has great pu's for the price and the black one looks killer. It runs around $169. I have it and love it.
* Paulownia body
* Maple neck
* Rosewood fingerboard
* Dean design humbucker pickups
* Die-cast tuners
* String-thru design
Could be worse.
Read the reviews. I definitely don't believe in these people with 5 guitars and this is their favorite one.
And also...
I recommend this guitar to anyone ranging from beginner to professional.
No. :lol:
Reviews said there were problems with tuners and pickup selectors.
This could be worse, but it probably won't be much better than this guy's current guitar. Again, I say save for a real guitar, preferably $400+. Up to about $1000 there's a significant increase in quality with every additional dollar.

Could be worse.
Read the reviews. I definitely don't believe in these people with 5 guitars and this is their favorite one.
And also...

No. :lol:
Reviews said there were problems with tuners and pickup selectors.
This could be worse, but it probably won't be much better than this guy's current guitar. Again, I say save for a real guitar, preferably $400+. Up to about $1000 there's a significant increase in quality with every additional dollar.

I wasn't saying it was the best guitar in the world, I was saying it might be the best one for his situation. If you have the abillity to save up enough to get a $400+ guitar then you should indeed do that. Going on the information I was presented I thought this would be his best bet.

As for the problems with the tuners it's more maintenance than an actual "problem" you just need to tighten them with a skrewdriver now and again.

As for the selector switch, that was just one instance, on a mass produced item there's bound to be at least a few defective ones that get by quality control.
hey everyone...
Im here wih some gear questions... Im a begginer...(yah i know that sucks) I have BC Rich Px3t with emg 85/81.. Roland Cube 30x and Boss ME50... but i cant seem to get those thick creamy metal sounding riffs... why is this? can it be that i want too much out of my gear or what...? maybe its just a bad setup? one guy said that i need a valve amp...that would blow my head off or so... But im playn in my 2 bedroom flat and i have neighbours down below... so cant go too loud... is valve amp going to be any good if i cant go too loud?

and another one... My other guitar... BC Rich KKV... the one with bolt on neck... Would dimarzio pickups feel any good in it?
Alright so. I finally bought it. For a whopping 260 bucks.

Audere 3ZB Configurable Preamp with the following features:
- Master Volume and Balance
- Stacked Bass and Low Mid
- Stacked Treble and High Mid
- The infamous Z-switch
- Active/passive switch
- 9 volt battery
- That nifty little LED light that tells you when the battery's low
- I got new knobs, too

Now gR gets to hear it in person. All that's left is shipping... and then the tedious process that is to be its installation (with the help of gR and my friend Bill who's done his own mods before). I'm getting butterflies in my stomach...

I already love the sound of my bass. I can't imagine the realms of tone this preamp will allow me to enter.
Righto, guys. I need some advice.

What I want: I want something that will allow me to record guitars on my computer. It can be plugged directly into my computer or involve a mic or go from my amp to the pc or whatever. I just need to be able to record distorted guitars on the comp.
In terms of quality, I don't need much. This is for making demos for my own use and also scratch tracks for a dude who does drums for me. However, obviously better is better, and extras like drum programming or whatever would be awesome. A built-in metronome would also be handy.

My budget: $250. I can go a buck or two over, but I really don't want to spend more. I know there's stuff available for around $200. Understand that I really don't need much. The lower the price the better, as I could then spend that money on other stuff (read: a massive order from Black Mark).

Stuff that you've used yourselves would be sweet, but I'm okay with being recommended stuff you haven't used personally.

I know line 6 has some stuff in this field, I think they even have one model that includes a keyboard.

In case it's relevant, my pc has a 3ghz (iirc) processor and a gig of ram. I'm told the real issue is hard drive space when it comes to recording.

Anyhow, thanks in advance.

I don't see prices on any of this shit... Personally, I would stay away from anything USB & first upgrade your soundcard & record into it. USB fucking sucks for recording. Do you have Firewire?