Official buying advice thread

i'm absolutely terrified of home recording. there is one person here who can answer your questions...
The fuckers backordered it...

LOL that was what happened to my friend. He passed on the Line 6 thing & wound up doing a bit more research & he got this Presonus 8-track thing which is a lot better for what he uses it for. He can record some bad ass stuff now. He plays guitar/bass, sings, & he even miked his drums. He has his keyboard hooked up through midi so he can do some cool stuff with that as well.
I got my Audere preamp installed with relative ease, still some kinks to work out like fastening the knobs the right amount.

MY GOD THIS THING SOUNDS GREAT!!! The transparency is just beyond me. It's incredibly versatile and yet organic-sounding... I love this thing. Expect me to start suggesting it to everyone.

I'll be using on a live CD/DVD recording pretty soon here but I'll try to post other videos of me fucking around with it. I need to start recording myself anyway.
anyone played this? it could be mine in about two weeks. i'm a big fan of the S series, and i'm in desperate need of a new 7 string. unfortunately, i cant break the bank on a custom one at the moment (damn cymbals!).
just dont have the money until next pay check. which i did. but since i'm not leaving, we can use it on a studio recording