Official Myspace thread

Sounds good man.

I really like Rendered to Dust.

All you guys need is a nice groovy bass player and a killer drummer!

Thanks a lot! I wrote that song, the other guitarist wrote Endlessly Aflame and Upon the Shores of Grief, and we co-wrote The Forlorn Dawn.

I have a few other songs that I have been working on for ages, so we may get around to recording those soon, but I am thinking I would rather wait until we have found a full-lineup before uploading anymore.
MySpace is HARDLY just scenester bullshit. It's an extremely popular site with a great network capability for up-and-coming and already-established bands alike to connect with others. What the fuck is wrong with that? Who cares if, 2 years ago or so, so-called "scene fags" or "emos" were all the rage and were all on MySpace. Think up an actual reason to hate it other than because of a dumb stereotype...

Well, like you said, it is a free* "popular" site where unknown bands have greater exposure as opposed to creating their own website. Do not deny that it is fairly trendy.
Yeah it is, but plenty of "non-trendy" bands have Myspaces...I see your point, but it doesn't actually matter (or, it should not).

Lots of the bands with Music Myspaces also have's just that Myspace provides instant gratification for lazy people like me and a ton of others.
Plus it's better for bands to host music on myspace rather than to pay for more hosting space to host songs on their own website, especially if they expect heavy traffic.