Official Off Topic Thread

SilentRealm said:
Thanks guys! As you can see, I'm here so our town got through ok. It upgraded to a category 5 overnight but hit a smaller town just to the north and absolutely decimated it (literally half the town was flattened), so poor them.

Ouch. Is that Innisfail you're talking about?

That sounds like what happened to some of the little towns along the Mississippi coastline...Waveland got flattened pretty bad, too.

I found out a pretty scary fact, when I did some reading about hurricanes and cyclones. For the rest of us here in the U.S./Latin America, remember that it takes a higher wind speed for a cyclone to reach Category 5 in the Pacific, than it does in this area! YIKES!

yeah see cyclones I can handle, never been in an earthquake (been in a pretty intense tremor but I dont think that would count, I thought it was cool) but unless the ground opens up and eats me I think I can handle that, but tornadoes I'm terrified of! Are they as scary as you'd think?

I've only seen a little "baby" of a tornado, once when I was in Arizona. It was out in the middle of nowhere, a good safe distance from our car, nowhere near anything inhabited. So, it was actually pretty fun to watch. We'd been looking at dust devils, and noticed one that was white. Then we realized it went up to a cloud. And then we figured out, "oh, it's a tornado!" It was a little one, though, and went away not long after we noticed it.

Some tornados won't do much more than take some shingles off your house (that little one we saw, for instance, probably didn't have much more punch to it than a Category 1 hurricane). Others are huge monsters.

I would much rather worry about tornadoes than hurricanes. I may be wrong, but I would suspect that even in some of the most tornado-prone parts of the U.S., the odds of having my house destroyed by a tornado are less than the odds of having your house hit by a hurricane, in a hurricane-prone area.

Also, I'd worry much more about encountering a tornado where you live, than where I am. We have pretty good warning systems in the Southeast, and they've gotten to where sometimes, you get as much as 1/2 hour's warning of an incoming tornado. You don't always get that much time, but if you've lived in this area long enough, you know how to handle it. My dad did storm-chasing when he was younger in one of the worst tornado areas in the country. He's so used to it that a few times I've seen him be able to spot the warning signs in the clouds even before it gets picked up on radar and the sirens go off. So what scares me is having one hit in an area that doesn't have tornado sirens, like where you live. Probably it's most comparable to living in an area where there's a tsunami threat but there's a good warning system (like Japan).
I've experienced every natural disaster except a tsunami, but I hope I don't have the honor of completing my collection. IMO Tornadoes are the worst because unlike fires which are slow moving, or floods (although flash floods are an exception), even wind and blizzards aren't so bad, blizzards are great for me because it means after I dig myself out I can go snowboarding in fresh stuff. Earthquakes are not so fun if you are around buildings like the one in SF 1989 which took my chimney off my house! Hurricanes are bad but you get a lot of warning time usually. Tornadoes however are pretty crazy.

A few years ago I was camping and a man in a yellow coat and an emergency flashlight came yelling at my tent and said we needed to get the f*** out asap because 3 tornadoes were confirmed north of us. It felt like being in a movie, running like hell through the rainy forest with hardly any of my possessions trying to get to the relative "safety" of the lodge some mile away. Turns out one of the storm cells cut a path West of us, one of them cut a path East, and another dissipated but was headed directly towards us.

The best natural disaster I've experienced is Anathema's :lol:
Eternal Dragon said:
A friend of a friend of mine had his house hit by a 6m wave.

There is another one coming. Talk about hitting everyone when they're down.

yeah but the predicted path of that one looks like its going to head over the top end of QLD and toward Darwin, so no where near the regions that were already hit.

What town is your friend at? We didnt get any damage thankfully.

Rose Immortal said:
Is that Innisfail you're talking about?

yeah, have you been reading up on it?

I think its interesting how category 5's used to be rare now they seem fairly common.

I've seen a couple of really huge dust devils as you call them over in the states, I'm trying to think of what theyre called in Aus.. something silly I've no doubt lol. I think those are awesome, as a kid I used to try and jump in the middle of them.. don't think I'd do that with a tornado though :loco:
Oh i've seen the news, and it says the situation is bad in Australia. Are you ok Carys ? Does your house stay on its place :)
SilentRealm said:
What town is your friend at? We didnt get any damage thankfully.

I dont know, it was a friend of a friend. It happened when it just hit the coast I think.

We need the rain down here in brisbane though, cos we have level 3 water restrictions, which on a better note means that its not likely that I'll be conned into washing my parents cars any time soon :lol: .
SilentRealm said:
yeah, have you been reading up on it?

Yeah, I've always been a bit of a weather buff, so when I read there was a storm coming, I started reading about it.

I think its interesting how category 5's used to be rare now they seem fairly common.

This is the return of a bad weather cycle that seems to occur every 70 years or so if you look at old statistical data (I eyeballed some at the U.S. National Hurricane Center website). In the Atlantic, some of the very worst storms occurred in the 1930s, and that's what these resembled. Interestingly enough, I read that the worst hit on Queensland before Larry was in 1931...

I've seen a couple of really huge dust devils as you call them over in the states, I'm trying to think of what theyre called in Aus.. something silly I've no doubt lol. I think those are awesome, as a kid I used to try and jump in the middle of them.. don't think I'd do that with a tornado though :loco:

Those are fun to watch, yeah...I don't see them where I live right now, but some parts of Australia really look like the American Southwest in photos.

I wouldn't jump in the middle of a tornado, either...I'm not THAT crazy. ;)
Eternal Dragon said:
We need the rain down here in brisbane though, cos we have level 3 water restrictions

yeah before the rain season started (and by rain season I mean it rained approximately 3 times as opposed to the non-rain season where it doesnt at all) the water levels here were down to under 10% so it was a pretty desperate situation, but since the cyclone I think it would be safe to say it might be pretty full by now.. at least alot more full than it was..

Rose Immortal said:
Interestingly enough, I read that the worst hit on Queensland before Larry was in 1931

you know more than I do then :p .. what cyclone was that?
SilentRealm said:
you know more than I do then :p .. what cyclone was that?

No idea...I just saw it in a news article about Larry. I'm not sure if storms were being named back then.
SilentRealm said:
we have a category 4 - building to a 5 - cyclone (/hurricane/typhoon depending on where in the world you live) hitting first thing in the morning apparently.. its weird coz this area hasnt had anything major like that for a LONG time and the emergency people are having a bit of a freak out evacuating people; I'm just curious to see how alot of the buildings are going to hold up. So yeah, I wont be around tomorrow to bug anyone thats why I'm doing it now :p

Wow, SR, I hope Queensland doesn't turn into Atlantis!... Well, maybe not Atlantis, because that would require exploding supervolcanoes and 40 days and nights of category 6 hurricanes. But I hope Queensland doesn't turn into Louisianna!!

Rose Immortal said:
This is the return of a bad weather cycle that seems to occur every 70 years or so if you look at old statistical data (I eyeballed some at the U.S. National Hurricane Center website). In the Atlantic, some of the very worst storms occurred in the 1930s, and that's what these resembled. Interestingly enough, I read that the worst hit on Queensland before Larry was in 1931...

Thats not very good for confidence.
james blunt? maaaan...or should i say "womaaaaan"... anyway, yeah, he sounds like a woman, especially when he does that "voice-cracking-higher" thing, reminiscent of alanis morisette. also in the category of "suck."
I finally heard James Blunt... My happiness level decreased by 7 points every second of listening I had to go through. The lead singer in Limozeen has a better singing voice than that guy lol (see Strong Bad It's the guy who pops up and sings gayly)
MrFast said:
I finally heard James Blunt... My happiness level decreased by 7 points every second of listening I had to go through. The lead singer in Limozeen has a better singing voice than that guy lol (see Strong Bad It's the guy who pops up and sings gayly)

Haha, I told you he sucks.