Official Off Topic Thread

I was gonna say this in that post #800 thread, but Jax got to it before I did, so I'll say it here!

Is it bad that I have the number of posts I do? Because I always feel like there are at least like some people who read this forum (UM members or not) that don't like me because I have too many posts.

And it was exactly 301 posts ago since I had 1337 posts.
It doesn't matter that you have too many posts, because most of what you type is interesting/relevant to the conversation. It's only annoying when people post bullshit all of the time just to have another post.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Ask yourself that tonight before you go to sleep.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
But it's interesting bullshit, and it usually adds humor, so it's all good.
I'm sure there are more than one forum member (and possibly a mod) who would strongly debate this :lol:

Oh well, what are you gonna do.

On another note, after being unemployed for the past 2 months, i got a job :D
what are you talking about man? Bingo is the most Metal thing their is... for that matter most Progressive Metal thing their is... Money is what everyone in the metal buisness wants...but doesn't get, lets face it fowks metal isan't the most money making musical buisness out their. This is why they play bingo :)

Yet another useless fact contributed by yours truly! For more information visit!

Its also a well known fact that after this new album Jason Rullo will be leaving the band. He isn't happy where he is, he once left the stage angry and came back a few minutes l8ter...he was also absent for Twilight In Olympus...Coincidence? I think not... Did you know that Mr.Rullo sucks sexy women into his life with his piercing brown eyes, and than beats them with his drum sticks... oddly enough its the same beat as 'king of Terrors' Last but not least he likes to eat orphanes yep... The evidence is their people its like in his profile... just check it out

Marital Status: WOMEN BEATER
Hobbies: Eating Little Children

Their you have it, yet another useless fact contributed by yours truly... Visit for more information