Official Off Topic Thread

DoomsdayZach said:
Yes m'am, i certainly did. Looking as fucking stellar as I did, how could i not?

true.. tho in my own personal opinion, i think the metal look is more stellar! thank god i dont do job interviews lol, I'd be like "no you dont get the job, you dont have enough piercings" or "dude try growing your hair longer and getting a few tattoos, then we'll talk"
You should definitely do that. Everyone knows that metalheads are discriminated against when applying for jobs, so we need revenge now. I have no job because most emplyers are close-minded assholes. :mad: Anyway, congrats on your new job Zach. I hope that you like it (or at least don't hate it).
SilentRealm said:
true.. tho in my own personal opinion, i think the metal look is more stellar! thank god i dont do job interviews lol, I'd be like "no you dont get the job, you dont have enough piercings" or "dude try growing your hair longer and getting a few tattoos, then we'll talk"
IF ONLY :kickass: :headbang:
I'm graduating before summer and here's my grande finale:

I'm doing this for the local orthodox church. I planned to do a little inside joke by making 666 shingles altogether. I dared not. :D
1by4by9 said:
I'm graduating before summer and here's my grande finale:

I'm doing this for the local orthodox church. I planned to do a little inside joke by making 666 shingles altogether. I dared not. :D

How long did it take you to make that?
1by4by9 said:
I'm graduating before summer and here's my grande finale:

I'm doing this for the local orthodox church. I planned to do a little inside joke by making 666 shingles altogether. I dared not. :D

That's very nice! And good idea on saving that little joke for some other project. ;)
JSebek13 said:
If anyone cares, I've finished solos for 2 of my songs and they are now at final demo status for the most part, they will be re-recorded for my upcoming guitar solo cd. The songs are "The Tides of Time", and "The Art of Betrayal", check them out if you'd like on my myspace at

Wow, Jason, I'm surprised you still post here! Very impressed. :D
JSebek13 said:
If anyone cares, I've finished solos for 2 of my songs and they are now at final demo status for the most part, they will be re-recorded for my upcoming guitar solo cd. The songs are "The Tides of Time", and "The Art of Betrayal", check them out if you'd like on my myspace at


Good shit, man, good shit.
Congradulate me guys, my band won the Battle of the Bands last night!

Next stop, opening for Dark Empire!:headbang: :kickass:
Thanks! :) I've spent 5 weeks now doing that (24 work hours per week) and it seems I'm way ahead my schedule. That gives me some time to concentrate on the documentary side. The wood used is aspen and the treatment is heated pine tar.

The odor of tar is quite strong. I have to bury my clothes some day. :D
It's a nice design, well put together but, why oh why do they always use that horrid brown on orthodox places?
Eternal Dragon said:
Did anyone else notice that the poster behind his head makes his hair look like its sticking up to the right???

:lol: I admit too, for a split second when I just saw the hair and didnt realise it was actually a pic of Zach I thought that too and thought 'who the fuck is this guy with the punk ass hair?' :lol:
on a side note, back to an alcohol discussion that i believe occurred somewhere in this thread.. I just tried Green Chartreuse last night for the first time and HOOOOOLY SHIT!!!! It was so awesome!! \m/

I dont know what alot of people were warning me about before with it, I didnt get totally plastered from it.. ok, the tv screen of my enebriation flickered twice! and that was after two shots of the stuff on top of about 6 other shots (2 tequila, 4 'purple haze' which is vodka, chambord, and fresh lime) but I was actually really impressed with it, its like a shot of cayenne peppery goodness!
Thraxz said:
why oh why do they always use that horrid brown on orthodox places?

Yeah, tell me about. :D For this project brown color giving pine tar is the only option since it has ultimate ability to make wood durable. If I have done it all correct this cross should live at best many hundred years. Unless someone burns the church. :lol: