Official Off Topic Thread

:rolleyes: I thought it went without saying that I wasn't serious but I guess it does. No need to be so defensive, it's not like you're posting on the Opeth board.
Beelzebub said:
:rolleyes: I thought it went without saying that I wasn't serious but I guess it does. No need to be so defensive, it's not like you're posting on the Opeth board.
Well, when I left I thought it was on a bad note... but that's cool if you were joking! (I haven't been on ANY forum for 3 weeks, so my forum attitude has changed a lot. :()

Cookie. o_O

MrFast said:

Actually, I was going to my friends house for band practice (Which I do almost every weekend) and before I left for home, my bandmate's brother started player ZNES, for anyone who is familiar with it. Well, I thought it'd be fun to start playing old games again. BIG MISTAKE. That's all I've been doing for the past 3 weeks! And just yesterday I got FF7, 8, and 9 and now I gotta play those a ton! The gaming bug stung me nearly to death... :zombie:
I'm on WoW too, but starting to loose interest really fast, its nothing more than the same, repeditive thing over and over: Do Quests for XP, kill monsters for XP, move onto new area when you can whoop everything in the area your in, rinse and repeat....the most fun I had on WoW was when one of the Uber dragons invaded Stormwind, it was so funny to watch hundreds of people die...

I actually prefer to just play internet poker....
This should get some laughs... me all dressed up for my job interview. You will never see anything like this ever again... (disregard the messy room haha)

The Yngster said:
snaaazzy... im a bowtie man myself though

Ha ha ha though I am far from having ANY sort of ebonic traits in me otherwise, I wear black fashion style suits. I can't stand what "honkies" wear for suits. :headbang: I have a zoot suit complete with Al Capone hat I will be wearing to the upcoming Urban Breed/Shaye girl wedding. ya'll whiteys are too conservative with your dress up style.
