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1by4by9 said:
Yeah, tell me about. :D For this project brown color giving pine tar is the only option since it has ultimate ability to make wood durable. If I have done it all correct this cross should live at best many hundred years. Unless someone burns the church. :lol:
Quick! Someone call Norway!!! :lol:

By the way, that cross is fucking cool.
Ok, so i got the new Dissection album today (yes, it slays all kinds of nuns and so on) and the song Starless Aeon (which i understand has been around for quite some time) has the chorus:

Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva
Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva

Now, based on the translation in the Symphony X "V" booklet, we have
"Dies Irae, Dies Illa - Solvet saeclum in favilla " which is roughly "Day of Wrath, Day of Burning, All the world to ashes turning". Since Dissection replaces "saeclum" (world?) with cosmos, i assume the first line is
"Day of Wrath, Day of Burning, All the [cosmos/universe] to ashes turning". Anyone have any idea what the other line is?

Dissection rules.
SilentRealm said:
on a side note, back to an alcohol discussion that i believe occurred somewhere in this thread.. I just tried Green Chartreuse last night for the first time and HOOOOOLY SHIT!!!! It was so awesome!! \m/

I dont know what alot of people were warning me about before with it, I didnt get totally plastered from it.. ok, the tv screen of my enebriation flickered twice! and that was after two shots of the stuff on top of about 6 other shots (2 tequila, 4 'purple haze' which is vodka, chambord, and fresh lime) but I was actually really impressed with it, its like a shot of cayenne peppery goodness!

So your blood alcohol content sounds like it must've been...... how much?
DoomsdayZach said:
Ok, so i got the new Dissection album today (yes, it slays all kinds of nuns and so on) and the song Starless Aeon (which i understand has been around for quite some time) has the chorus:

Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva
Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva

Now, based on the translation in the Symphony X "V" booklet, we have
"Dies Irae, Dies Illa - Solvet saeclum in favilla " which is roughly "Day of Wrath, Day of Burning, All the world to ashes turning". Since Dissection replaces "saeclum" (world?) with cosmos, i assume the first line is
"Day of Wrath, Day of Burning, All the [cosmos/universe] to ashes turning". Anyone have any idea what the other line is?

Dissection rules.
I'm guessing universe. On another note, is that language Latin or Greek?
From what I can make out by reading about latin and how words are formed...
Vocamus: To call, to summon.
Te: 2nd person, like you or thou.
Æshma: In Mazdeism, the chief of all demons.
Diva: Divide, separation, spread out.

EDIT: Aeshma - Æshma
Wiki: Æshma's mission is to fill the hearts of men with anger and vengeful desires, and to create all evil on Earth. He incites men to abandon the path of good and follow that of evil.

I figure it's something like "I summon you, Æshma - Divided" or something..

I hope that helped. :)
I'm not sure...

I think "diva" could be a misspelling of "deva", or more likely, the Avestan word "daeva".

Assuming "Aeshma" is from Zoroastrianism, the Avestan meaning becomes more likely.

Check this out at Wikipedia:

This statement in particular gives credence to my theory, I think: " In Zoroastrianism and the Avesta, the ahuras are supreme, while the daevas are demonic."