Official Off Topic Thread

Oh, the irony...


Anyone else notice that "Don't" doesn't have an apostrophe in it? Whoever made it had his/her heart in the right place though.
It's kinda funny actually, I'm a stickler for grammar and the occasional mistake is usually a typo (which usually gets edited afterwards) or a slang word like "kinda".
But I often type in 1337 and abbreviate fuckloads. Like lol and shit. I support grammar all the way but I'll never stop being t3h 1337.
1337 was actually made by people of higher intellect so that the people of lesser intellect didn't understand what the hell they were saying... Although I agree with the stereotype that nowadays it's just a bunch of punk kids who go on myspace every day and speak really gayly on MSN and shit who kinda ruin the whole 1337 aspect for me. So yeah, I think the .GIF applies to most of the 1337-speakers out there but there are a select few who aren't dicks about it and who are actually smart (Me and Tubbs for example). To sum it up, the .GIF is true but only directed to the retards who 1337.
being unintelligible does not qualify as higher intellect. it just means they were bored and wanted to do something that made them feel smart and piss off normal people. how does typing with shapes and numbers make you smarter than me? i didn't think so buddy. there is no defense for it. none. its a dialect without purpose.
Kenneth R. said:
being unintelligible does not qualify as higher intellect. it just means they were bored and wanted to do something that made them feel smart and piss off normal people. how does typing with shapes and numbers make you smarter than me? i didn't think so buddy. there is no defense for it. none. its a dialect without purpose.
I never said you weren't intelligent, I just meant it like it wasn't idiots who came up with leet. They were hackers, hackers aren't retards because hacking is difficult and you need to be smart to pull it off.