Official Off Topic Thread

I'm flying to DC tomorrow & all the airline told me in their little here, you need to know this latest info from the TSA special e-mail was that liquids/gels weren't allowed in carryon bags, they didn't say anything about handheld electronics. The TSA website says the same, it only mentions the liquids/gels..did they already take your mp3 player (or whatever it was), or are you just assuming they're going to?
SilentRealm said:
just out of curiosity.. when is the next federal election for the states coming up??

I don't think it really matters who gets in, just like here. A lot of countries unfortunately already dispise the US, so if the major drawback of bush (war) gets him kicked out, then really, they are already locked into it no matter who is in. Thats how I see it anyway.

Personally I couldnt give a damn about aussie politics, or any for that matter, because I refuse to believe in the "lesser of 2 evils" thing. If 2 ppl are "evil" so to speak, then why vote for any. Plus the whole 2 party thing shits me off bcos its not MEANT to be a 2 party system.

When someone decent comes along who will do a whole lot of good for the country, THEN i'll enrol to vote. But atm i'm just meh.
yes I dont give a damn about politics either but I notice that terrorism propaganda usually explodes around election time.. for Bush it wouldn't matter because either way he isn't allowed back in, but the company he is majorly invested with makes a LOT of money by keeping up the 'war on terrorism' - so I was just curious to see what else was going on in the world in order to keep an open mind.

for our next elections I'm going for labour because this whole workplace reform thing that liberal is pushing for can not possibly be a good thing - and I'm personally sick of Australia's richest 2% of the population continually getting all of the tax benefits. What alot of people don't realise in the Aussie elections is just what you said, that it is a 2 party system and that's it.. the public needs to inform themselves of who each of the lesser parties give their preferences to before they vote, because very often they are inadvertently giving votes to a party they might not want to.
Yes we all don't give a damn about politics and we all think this is cool. But what we don't realise is that they are the ones responsible for the pain in our special places :)
turke said:
Yes we all don't give a damn about politics and we all think this is cool. But what we don't realise is that they are the ones responsible for the pain in our special places :)
Just think of all the conflicts between our countries because of fucking politicians over the years.
And now they are all treated like heroes !
I saw yesterday on the news about the terrorist attempt on Heathrow and I wasn’t surprised since every time there is something bad on the news (like a massive murder of innocent) there is always something to prove how much we need total control in our life !
HEY check your sigs!! A couple of you have sigs that are WAY too big..see the 'Check your sigs' sticky thread for size guidelines.

And wish me luck at the airport this morning. :lol:
Jax said:
HEY check your sigs!! A couple of you have sigs that are WAY too big..see the 'Check your sigs' sticky thread for size guidelines.

And wish me luck at the airport this morning. :lol:

if this forum actually requires u to resize your signatures than i just wont post here anymore. satisfied?

My sig is just to great to be small and or censored. oh and good luck at the airport i guess.
I think that large sigs look tacky. And I guess everyone knows what the odyssey cover looks like anyway. Also, I think they were probably created as a personal "nametag" sorta thing, so having a symx album there doesnt really work imo.

This isnt a personal attack cos lots of ppl do it, but its my opinion that signatures should be personal and/or small and concise.

Take mine for instance. I havent seen anyone do that b4, and to be perfectly honest I'm not really sure how many ppl would realise that that is actually a signature and not a real edit :lol:.
Jax said:
HEY check your sigs!! A couple of you have sigs that are WAY too big..see the 'Check your sigs' sticky thread for size guidelines.

And wish me luck at the airport this morning. :lol:
There ! I changed mine.This is as small as it can get with out getting messed.
I you still think its too big,just let me know :)

And good luck at the airport !
You know, what blows my mind about politics is the sheer hatred going on. There is no way that people vote with their brains--they vote solely based on gut reaction, and goodness knows how unreliable that can be on ALL sides! What I REALLY (don't) love is the way people are so quick to make personal attacks on people they don't even know! And seeing a person on TV doesn't count as KNOWING. I mean, disagreeing with a policy is one thing. Being a jerk is another.
Ignorance rules the modern world.

note that ignorance does not denote a lack of knowledge or uninformed public, but a mindful avoidance of understanding- a conscious and chosen stupidity in order to oversimplify the situation and make light of deeper undercurrents. i despise western politics, and yet i cannot help but distribute the blame not just on the respective governments, but on the voluntary fools who chose ignorance and voted blindly, or abstained from voting.

it is a greater evil when good people stand and watch evil occur.