Official Off Topic Thread

I have heard that before, and I have also heard that opposites attract, but.... That is kindof a good point. But it still sucks that another Symphony X fan is moving away.
DERON DID IT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I joined the Forum, I misspelled the name and this has haunted me
for years. Once Pharoah, now I am Pharaoh with the proper spelling.
It's going to be a good day.
Eternal Dragon said:
Charis, you have the worst luck . But if american movies are anything to go by then it'll all work out in the end . I am still yet to find ANYONE, so yeh, u have less of a problem methinks...... if that makes it any easier.... which I dont think it will, but anyway...

I'd have thought there would be tons of cool metal chicks in the city.. and yes, we all know to 100% trust american tv because it never lies to us :lol:

turke said:
Actually some people say, it is not that good to be together with someone who is just like you

actually studies show people are more likely to be attracted to those similar to themselves than to opposites. I think there needs to be a healthy balance of similar and different interests. There needs to be common ground to bond with but to hear different perspectives on issues to gain a broader understanding. I've seen couples who work both ways, some because they are similar and others because they are different (but if you are too different you fail to bond and therefore grow distant and tired of each other easily).. and hey! you're supposed to be supporting the budding friendship of two symphony x fans so stop with the negativity :p

P.S. - he had never heard Adagio so I burnt him a copy of Underworld.. all I got after that for the whole day was.. "OMG ADAGIO ROCKS!!" :lol: I thought being a keyboardist that he would appreciate Kevin's efforts..
turke said:
Actually some people say, it is not that good to be together with someone who is just like you :)
I don’t find this to be true since you need to have similarities in order to communicate with a person and the entire “you complete me” tag line is just stupid.

I always seam to be attracted to chicks that have the same interests with me.
Wow... I am EXTREMELY pissed off right now. I just spent ALL NIGHT downloading a file off of bittorrent, only to find out the pile of crap was the wrong format for windows media player (Or any of the media players I have, for that matter). I deleted it already because I'm getting sick of these people who think new formats are the "Next generation" when in reality, they are "garbage" and don't play on most normal media players. They boast about how good they are, yet they can't be played without downloading 10,000 different files to mod a media player, effectively ruining the media player due to excessive plugins and crap that is redundant and pointless.

EDIT: Okay, I'm much calmer now, this post was to just let off steam, as I usually do when I'm really mad.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I'm angry.
Because o this, I have to sit for 4 hours on a plane with no music.
I was so excited to listen to my biography while flying home, but no. Because of these Terrorist sons of bitches, I can't.:mad:

They didn't actually TAKE your CD player, did they? Would they at least let you mail it to yourself or something? :(

It sucks, but you know what? I'd rather the terrorists actually GET CAUGHT as opposed to blowing up planes full of people who just wanted to get from Point A to Point B.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I'm angry.
Because o this, I have to sit for 4 hours on a plane with no music.
I was so excited to listen to my biography while flying home, but no. Because of these Terrorist sons of bitches, I can't.:mad:
Here is the situation….

8 hours drive back home
my mom in the co-driver seat so I couldn’t speed more than 120 km\h
fucking hot !
stupid music on radio
I hadn’t slept that well the night before
War_Blade said:
i don't think they can enforce this law for too long... i couldn't imagene flying without music...

Sure they can, they can ban music players from flights permanently if they want to. Yes, it sucks, but you have to look at the big picture, and I'd rather be SAFE and get to me destination than be part of a crash scene because somebody had c4 or the like in their I-Pod..... Deal with it, the world is in a constant state of change with these terrorist "phuch-sticks" still running around.....

J-Dubya - Probably just check a big ol' suitacase for Prog Power this year
they'll always find something new, you can't check if it's safe with the same engine forever, so it's cheaper to just ban them...
I'm glad my mum and dad took the boat to Scotland this morning, and not a plane... Now I have the house for my own, I don't want them to come back sooner than they have planned :D
Nemesis_lxix said:
Here is the situation….

8 hours drive back home
my mom in the co-driver seat so I couldn’t speed more than 120 km\h
fucking hot !
stupid music on radio
I hadn’t slept that well the night before

But I wouldn't be nearly as mad if the cause was something other than terrorists.