Official Off Topic Thread

Kenneth R. said:
Ignorance rules the modern world.

note that ignorance does not denote a lack of knowledge or uninformed public, but a mindful avoidance of understanding- a conscious and chosen stupidity in order to oversimplify the situation and make light of deeper undercurrents. i despise western politics, and yet i cannot help but distribute the blame not just on the respective governments, but on the voluntary fools who chose ignorance and voted blindly, or abstained from voting.

it is a greater evil when good people stand and watch evil occur.

The schools need to teach ignorent people not to vote.
rather culture needs to teach people that voting matters and that bitching and whining about how much the world sucks is their own fault for not taking charge of fixing it.
This reminds me of what comedian George Carlin once said.

“The next time they give you all that civic bullshit about voting, keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free democratic election”
Pharaoh said:
What are you getting?
Well, I just found out this morning that the 200$ 7-string I want just went out of stock on red colored ones, so I'm not sure what I want anymore. I'm sick of black colored guitars.

EDIT: By the way, if anyone finds out the significance of this day to me, they will get 10 cookies.
The whole world is pretending to be fair and right to be democratic and to trust the majoritys choice. But what if the majority is not right ? And it usually isn't.
To answer the initial question, the next federal elections will be held here in 2008. In 2004 (the first term Bush won), Bush won the vote from the electoral college, but not the popular vote.
Jax said:
HEY check your sigs!! A couple of you have sigs that are WAY too big..see the 'Check your sigs' sticky thread for size guidelines.

And wish me luck at the airport this morning. :lol:

DO NOT hide hair gel in your shoes! ; )
Have a safe, fun, non-airport aggrivated trip!

RiderOfJustice said:
if this forum actually requires u to resize your signatures than i just wont post here anymore. satisfied?

My sig is just to great to be small and or censored. oh and good luck at the airport i guess.

Shall I ban you now, or are you just being an idiot?
If you can't conform to a few simple rules, than find somewhere else to go.

Nemesis_lxix said:
There ! I changed mine.This is as small as it can get with out getting messed.
I you still think its too big,just let me know :)

And good luck at the airport !

You're at 488 x 210....
Limit is 500 x 200.....
Please tweak it just a hair more.....
Thanks in advance....

Yngvai X said:
Welcome to one of the reasons Bush got re-elected...

I couldn't bring myself to vote for the Kerry/Edwards ticket. If it was Edwards & Kerry, or someone else, they might have gotten my vote. I don't want a political love/hate thread started here, so I'll stop....

J-Dubya (no relation! :))
J-Dubya 777 said:
Shall I ban you now, or are you just being an idiot?
If you can't conform to a few simple rules, than find somewhere else to go.


dont mind him.. he is a total tool.

You should see some of his posts...