Official Off Topic Thread

turke said:
Star Trek is sci-fi, Star Wars is fantasy. So there would be no comparison between them. So please don't compare.

fine. But if you would compare them, star wars would win.
Montu Sekhmet said:
fine. But if you would compare them, star wars would win.

I don't really consider one better than the other...I like them for very different reasons.

Star Trek: Good episode writing (later TNG, DS9 especially), well-developed cultures and chronology. Explores moral shades of grey.

Star Wars: Stunning visuals and effects--even the old ones set the bar for their time. A retelling of old fairy tales in a neat new light.

Each has problems, though...

Star Trek: Sometimes bad visuals (TOS, early TNG, earlier movies), uneven quality from episode to episode. Implausible expectations of how human nature is supposed to "evolve".

Star Wars: Simplistic writing, cultures and histories not as developed (in the movies...extended universe is a different matter). Not really any moral complexity.

For me, after all this, it's a wash.
turke said:
Star Trek is sci-fi, Star Wars is fantasy. So there would be no comparison between them. So please don't compare.

I agree with that. The only reason people compare them is that they have the word "Star" in their names. Not that they are even slightly related.

Star Wars pwns, but it would be nothing without the music. NOTHING.
DoomsdayZach said:
Goddamnit i want to post about DT vs SX in the debate thread after reading the rules. GOD it's so hard not to!!!! Beelz... i don't want to ass up your thread so i'm being good, but DAMN!!!
What a lovely display of self-control. *thumbs up*
I'm a little confused at why I was logged out this morning... that's never happened once in the entire time I've been here, and it says I put in the wrong password. It scared the hell out of me, but I entered it again and luckily I was able to log on again. Stuff like this should not happen!
Star Wars can win, only if we are talking about which one is more simple and easy to understand :) Star Wars lacks emotions and drama of life. It tells the oldest cliche ever created by manking, which is "the battle between good and bad" with an obvious mythological rip off from old Japan. Even i can name "Sith" as ninjas and "jedis" as samurais.

Star Trek, on the other hand, is a mirror of our world. It makes references to many historical events, artworks, religious and contemporary philosophies, teachings, and blends them with a future sci-fi format, depicting the future prevision of Gene Roddenberry. And it never forgets human emotions, even challenges human feelings with pure logic in many ways by the help of created characters like Spock or Data. And this is just one example of many different topics you can encounter in the series, not only "good and bad fight".

I've seen all the original series, TNG episodes, and a little bit of DS9 and most of the movies. But i know "Voyager" series is a reference to "Odyssey" written by Homer, for example. I don't know the current state of the mythology, i hope they didn't screw it up :)

OK forget about the Star stuff :) Here is what we're gonna see next year. I am already excited about it. But it makes a little disappointment because it will be an animated movie, unlike the first three movies. But who cares, i hope they don't spoil the turtle chemistry we got used to :) Watch the trailer:
I used to watch that. Batman was always THE show for me though, I never really got into stuff like goofy or animated cartoons.