Official Off Topic Thread

Off topic education :)


Madagascar, (Republic of Madagascar), is an island nation in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, close to Mozambique. The main island, also called Madagascar, is the fourth largest island in the world. It is home to five percent of the world's plant and animal species, more than 80 percent of them endemic to Madagascar. Most notable are the lemur infraorder of primates, the carnivorous fossa, three endemic bird families and six endemic baobab species. The adjective of Madagascar is Malagasy (pronounced "mal-la-gash"). The main language is Malagasy. The country's natural balance is severely threatened, because of loss of most of its forest and the extinction of about 15 lemur species out of the previous 45.

Taken from "Wikipedia".
Yes but, to do that, i gotta get a passport, and apply for a visa to the Greece council here. And probably it will take a few months, if you don't get bored waiting for me and turn back to your home :)
DoomsdayZach said:
Haha, i love education.

And no, no bad experiances with Madagascar. In fact, no experiances with madagascar. Just thought it'd be a place out of the way enough that no one here would get terribly offended :danceboy:

I still claim that i didn't offend any nation or anybody. Why are you insisting on this, i really don't understand. I have no problem with you.
turke said:
Yes but, to do that, i gotta get a passport, and apply for a visa to the Greece council here. And probably it will take a few months, if you don't get bored waiting for me and turn back to your home :)
This is why Turkey should join the European Union and simply travel with your id !
I will be visiting Konstantinoupolis shortly.
Nemesis_lxix said:
This is why Turkey should join the European Union and simply travel with your id !
I will be visiting Konstantinoupolis shortly.

Well i guess you don't know, even if we can join the EU, we won't be given the "free roaming" rights to travel with just an id. And nowadays it gets more and more impossible to join to EU for us, as lots of political incidents happen. EU keeps wanting and wanting, and we are tired of giving.
turke said:
Well i guess you don't know, even if we can join the EU, we won't be given the "free roaming" rights to travel with just an id. And nowadays it gets more and more impossible to join to EU for us, as lots of political incidents happen. EU keeps wanting and wanting, and we are tired of giving.

The entire matter is because Turkey is not willing to open the ports for ships from Cyprus.This goes on for years and years and I don’t see why !

I think that they are offering an alternative solution or something this week but I don’t think that Turkey will agree again.
Some more Malagasy trivia for you guys:

One of their big cash crops is vanilla. A couple of years ago the crops sufferred immensely, and that was why vanilla was like $20 a bottle.
This is not right. So you say if we open our ports to Cyprus, EU will take us in right away ? I don't think so. They keep delaying us for a long time. And if you ask me, i am not a big fan of EU. I don't think it will change anything in ordinary people's lives anyway. Eu is itself falling apart. All the researches show that European countries which joined EU faced economical fall downs, and raises in unemployement.

About the ports and Cyprus. I wish you didn't bring this up, but you did. So here is what i think. Actually from what i know today, i think that we never should get involved in such a thing. But i can't change history. And i gotta take the responsibility of the things that my elders did. This is not only about what i think. This involves all the nation. We are all thought in schools that in Cyprus, turkish people were being killed by the Cyprus soldiers, who made a strike to take the controll of the Cyprus government. If you look at the history of treaties, the one about the Cyprus says, Cyprus is a free zone, but if situation gets over controll, the countries England, Greece, and Turkey are eligible to interfere with the situation and bring a solution to the problems. So we got there and stopped the fights (as far as i was thought). We also draw a line between two zones, and accomodated turkish people to the northern side. Now i don't say this was the right thing to do. But like is say, what's done is done. I can't change the past.

But the point is, like i said before, it was your responsibility also to interfere the situation in Cyprus. But Greece did nothing. So we all know Cyprus and Greece is the same thing. We are thought that this army strike against the government is being fed by Greece government. While all this happening, Greece just sat and watched what's gonna happen. And this is what happened.

About the ports, you know that recently a poll was made in Cyprus. An "official deciding" poll. And people are asked if they want Cyprus to be whole again ?. Turkish side said "yes". But Greek side said "no" with a big share of votes. And "Greek Cyprus", all alone, is accepted to EU, but northern side is left alone, even none of the world countries has accepted its existance as a country (i don't say that it is a country). Don't get me wrong but, when i look at the picture, i see "Greek people" in Cyprus getting all the goods, but turkish people still suffering, even they voted for "reunion" and greeks didn't.

So as you see, ports are just "a pill to cure an earthquake" :)

I don't wanna talk about politics anymore, i don't want this subject to get between you and me, or any future greek friends of mine. Cause if we keep bringing up this stuff, we'll be just like our elders and this fight will never end. You know what i mean.
turke said:
This is not right. So you say if we open our ports to Cyprus, EU will take us in right away ? I don't think so. They keep delaying us for a long time. And if you ask me, i am not a big fan of EU. I don't think it will change anything in ordinary people's lives anyway. Eu is itself falling apart. All the researches show that European countries which joined EU faced economical fall downs, and raises in unemployement.

About the ports and Cyprus. I wish you didn't bring this up, but you did. So here is what i think. Actually from what i know today, i think that we never should get involved in such a thing. But i can't change history. And i gotta take the responsibility of the things that my elders did. This is not only about what i think. This involves all the nation. We are all thought in schools that in Cyprus, turkish people were being killed by the Cyprus soldiers, who made a strike to take the controll of the Cyprus government. If you look at the history of treaties, the one about the Cyprus says, Cyprus is a free zone, but if situation gets over controll, the countries England, Greece, and Turkey are eligible to interfere with the situation and bring a solution to the problems. So we got there and stopped the fights (as far as i was thought). We also draw a line between two zones, and accomodated turkish people to the northern side. Now i don't say this was the right thing to do. But like is say, what's done is done. I can't change the past.

But the point is, like i said before, it was your responsibility also to interfere the situation in Cyprus. But Greece did nothing. So we all know Cyprus and Greece is the same thing. We are thought that this army strike against the government is being fed by Greece government. While all this happening, Greece just sat and watched what's gonna happen. And this is what happened.

About the ports, you know that recently a poll was made in Cyprus. An "official deciding" poll. And people are asked if they want Cyprus to be whole again ?. Turkish side said "yes". But Greek side said "no" with a big share of votes. And "Greek Cyprus", all alone, is accepted to EU, but northern side is left alone, even none of the world countries has accepted its existance as a country (i don't say that it is a country). Don't get me wrong but, when i look at the picture, i see "Greek people" in Cyprus getting all the goods, but turkish people still suffering, even they voted for "reunion" and greeks didn't.

So as you see, ports are just "a pill to cure an earthquake" :)

I don't wanna talk about politics anymore, i don't want this subject to get between you and me, or any future greek friends of mine. Cause if we keep bringing up this stuff, we'll be just like our elders and this fight will never end. You know what i mean.
You know I am not stupid enough to pick a fight with you for something asshole politicians did. :)
I just want to point out some things so I don’t get misunderstood.
*I am not ether a supporter of the EU simply because I think its just a cheap way to create a global society and I believe in individualism as much as possible.
*Greece was always one of the biggest supporters of Turkey joining the EU.
*It is true that some countries suffer from all that you have mentioned,simply because this is a way to be depended on the bigger more mighty members of the EU.
*I am not much of a history lover so I don’t have an opinion on what went on in Cyprus.What I know is that people got killed and that aint right.
*“Greek Cyprus”?Cyprus is not in any way Greek.It is an individual country and I don’t understand why people consider it as Greek territory.We just share the basic language.
*It is true (as far as I know) that the Greek government could have prevented all of this but didn’t and for that I only blame the stupid ass politicians and not in any way the people.
*I am not sure how this works but isn’t the Turkish side of Cyprus joining the eu along with the rest of Turkey ?The poll was on the entire island joining the union and therefore half of the island being declared as a country.

I don’t know,all this shit is too confusing for me !
I will just let the filthy politicians destroy the world and I will just rebuilt it.
Right now I worry more about going to that concert and getting a new car than all this bullshit.

I am glad we had a chance to clear this up buddy.
Cheerzzz :kickass: :kickass: :kickass::kickass:
turke said:
I still claim that i didn't offend any nation or anybody. Why are you insisting on this, i really don't understand. I have no problem with you.
I'm not saying you offended any nation... i'm just saying that's why I posted that. Turke, you're alright by me bro. um... Infernal Hailz!!! :headbang:
