Official Off Topic Thread

Maybe, gimme a day or two to think about whether or not I really wanna step into your puppy giving machine. :p
I wanted to go too, but bad weather plus myself and partner in metal crime were both feeling shitty, so it was inevitable. I heard leave's eyes sucked, which was the main reason i wanted to go, so i don't feel bad at all.
Guess what everybody.....


I'm seeing my gf tomorrow. I feel so lame.

Hey! One day while I walking down the street, I met this guy named Pete and he was eating meat to my discrete. You gotta eat my bologna because it tastes so good and stuff like that, you big fat wideload paulky squishy fluffy ultimo-biscuit! If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers he would get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and before he picked another peck of pickled peppers he would get another disease that I cannot name! :erk:

Btw, I made this saying up years ago, and I've memorized it so well that I can recite the whole thing in under 10 seconds! :erk:
Wow. Something bad just happened to my family and I. Today there was a huge a huge ice storm, and the weight of the branches was too much and a huge one fell on our house, cutting a power line down. Luckily a fire didnt start so we were all okay, but now I we are at my aunts house. My weekend is likely ruined, and if we don't have a snow day tommarow I am going to miss a lot of material, which I can't afford to do. :erk: