Official Off Topic Thread

anything that isn't mainstream is like that man, and all those genres you just mentioned are not, so on a list of musical genres that people do not like/do not sell as well as they should, metal is at the bottom. The other ones you named are on that same list, sadly enough. Look you played your heart out, what more do you want? Its not about winning or lossing, metal, rap, punk wtv who cares, winning or lossing is not the point, its the fact you tryed. If you cannot see that than man i'm sorry for you, saying you're supposed to win isn't fair to your self, or the band who did win. You should be saying " I coulda won...alright time to make my set 10 times as kick ass this time around!" Anyman best of luck to you, get out of this gloomy 'tood man is not cool!
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You guys are all looking at it wrong. The point is I really NEEDED to win so we would get studio time, NOT because I wanted to look like the best. Is that what everyone is thinking? We're on an extremely tight budget and don't exactly have a lot of money to get quality equipment or anything, either.
no, I understand that can be the case. But shit like that happens, Murphy's law man! Just because you need/want something does not mean u deserve it, not that i'm implying you do not deserve it! Why not talk to your bro get him to talk to romeo, maybe they can hook you up some studio time in the dungeon? Point is shit happens, we get delayed wtv, but in the end it will work out for you so ship up :D
MrFast said:
Just curious, how much does it cost to buy studio time?

Also, don't they have any programs for broke musicians in the US? They have some in Canada.
It's actually 75$ an hour around here for studio time, but we really don't have enough money. That's how poor we are! :tickled:

I've never heard of any program to help broke musician's either. :erk:

proulxski said:
no, I understand that can be the case. But shit like that happens, Murphy's law man! Just because you need/want something does not mean u deserve it, not that i'm implying you do not deserve it! Why not talk to your bro get him to talk to romeo, maybe they can hook you up some studio time in the dungeon? Point is shit happens, we get delayed wtv, but in the end it will work out for you so ship up
I've mostly gotten over the crappy mood yesterday. I was really pissed, but that's mostly because of wanting to perform the botb for 4 months and then going only to find out that we lose.

proulxski said:
Studio is very expensive i know around here you're looking at like 300-600$ an hour! For an up and comming musician who wants to start his/her career its very hard without connections/resources/sponsors(endorsements)
Some studios can get that expensive. I'm thinking of just getting a really good sound card and then recording everything at my house. The quality would still be really high (since I've had tons of experience in producing) and it would cost a ton less.

ANYWAYS, thanks a bunch for all the responses, everyone. I'm in a better mood now.
That's my goal, is to be unique. But how am I going to be unique if nobody is going to listen to our stuff?

sorry but i gotta call this one: attention whore.

there are some amazingly unique bands out there that no one listens to. does this make them less unique? :loco: it seems you feel that approval by others validates your music. i beg to differ.
I don't see the problem with wanting people to listen to my stuff. Why the hell does that make me an attention whore? It's not like I'm going to sit on my ass for the rest of my life and make music that nobody is going to listen to. What a waste of time. I'm not saying I need 10 million people to listen to it. Srsly. I plan on making a career out of music, and I'm going to push as hard as possible to get one.
sorry but i gotta call this one: attention whore.

there are some amazingly unique bands out there that no one listens to. does this make them less unique? :loco: it seems you feel that approval by others validates your music. i beg to differ.

Kenneth basically makes the same point that i was making. If you're making music because you want other people to listen to it, you might as well be playing covers of pop-punk stuff. If you make something that's unique but still worth hearing, someone will find it. It's not instant gratification, but again, you gotta do what is in your heart and mind or else you're not gonna be happy.

And if you NEEDED the studio time so bad, why not sell out and perform at battle of the bands as a more popular form of music, use that to get what you want?
We don't play just metal, our band goes across a wide varieties of genres including electronic, prog rock, neo-folk, ambient, experimental, and probably a few others that I'm not aware of. I have this band to make people get their heads out of their asses and realize that popular music is (for the most part) the same crap being created over and over again, and they should learn to expand their minds. I believe my band has already influenced one other band from our schools,

sounds conceited to me. bigtime. people might be more interested if you didn't glorify your music so much. nobody really wants to listen to someone who thinks they're the best. i'm not saying don't be confident, but there is a line.

besides, by your own logic here, if you became popular, then your music would become invalid. yet you strive mercilessly for attention. conundrum. not to mention that if you play a "wide variety of genres" you aren't going to appeal to a mainstream audience. i see no reason whatsoever for you being flustred about being in a metal/prog band and not being noticed.
ARGH! Okay then! I'm not trying to make the point that I want large amounts of recognition as I'm trying to say I'd at least like to make a career out of music. It's really the only thing I'm interested in. I'm take an Info Tech class just so I can get degrees in Cisco Networking and some other certifications. The thing about it is, I hate computers, yet I'm still doing it because I don't think music is going to be a valid career unless it's something that people will think is good and I can live by it. I suppose I can say that I hope people think it's good, but if they don't, then I really don't care... I guess.

I've completely confused myself as others have, so now I'm going to give up mentioning it. :erk:
If you aren't confident that you can support yourself with music and have a passion to do it, then don't make that your day job. I didn't. I don't want the pressure. I want my music to be fully my own. I'm escaping college in 5 months with a degree in Electrical Engineering, communications focus. With this I can get jobs that are music-related, while not being directly a performing job. My band is a night job, like batman.

And another thing, you weren't "cheated" out of winning. The system for judging just sucks. That's just the way it is.
^ *sigh* I suppose you're right. I need to make some changes with this band. I just wish we could have more performances. They are pretty fun and energetic imho. :erk:

Wow Tubbs is getting a tongue lashing here!

Anyway, here at our local venues you can just sign up to play on any given night when there isn't a major band playing. If they like you then you might open for a better known band.
Man, I don't mean to sound like a smartass but from the stuff I've heard from the links you got in your sig, I've gotta say you still need lots of work.

There are many interesting ideas (riffs, melodies etc) in what you have composed (you and your band) but imo the interpretation lacks in rhythm and harmony. What struck me really bad was the fact that at many occasions the guitar was heavily out of tune. I don't want to be harsh but I believe that the level of musicianship in metal has reached a point at which stuff like a badly tuned guitar or an erroneus rhythm section will strike the listener and generally the audience like a well-placed roundkick in the nuts. Fortunately, people can't pull it off any more like many did in the 70s and 80s by playing sloppy and distorted to cover up their lack of technique. The scene is pretty demanding now.

To be completely honest, I don't think you should try to have the highest expectations from everyone and yourself when you're still in a period of practice and experimentation. Patience and self-criticism are too important in music and if you use both as a tool you'll eventually reach your desired level. Keep working on it.
dude look at symphony x, they could give to shits about if they are famous/well known or not. Symphony X members all work normal, regular jobs, to make their living. According to lepond they're very close to making it to being able to live off of status, and what they've been around since 1994, its now almost 2007... So don't expect to move so fast! Symphony x makes their music because they love to, not because we love them too, hence why they release an album only every 4 years. (not saying symphony x doesn't love us, cuz they do lol ;) ) so simply tubbs, chillax, keep jamming/practicing, follow your own path, and your own footsteps, who cares if you seel a million albums or one, as long as you like what you do!
Tubbs, if you plan on making a career out of music then you gotta be able to open up... It's like a chef, for instance. If you go to a restaurant and ask for spinach souffle, it's not the chef's job to like spinach souffle, his job is to make you the best spinach souffle you've ever had regardless of his own personal taste. You want money by playing guitar? Get ready to join bands that play music you dislike.

My old guitar teacher lives off music, he's in 9 bands and is joining a 10th one. The music ranges from country, bluegrass, punk, rock, jazz and metal (keep in mind he is a die-hard metalhead and doesn't like country at all).
I don't see the problem with wanting people to listen to my stuff. Why the hell does that make me an attention whore? It's not like I'm going to sit on my ass for the rest of my life and make music that nobody is going to listen to. What a waste of time. I'm not saying I need 10 million people to listen to it. Srsly. I plan on making a career out of music, and I'm going to push as hard as possible to get one.

I've been doing that ever since I got into the world of composition. It's not a waste of time, it's fun. I write music because sometimes shit is on my mind or I'm feelin real's the best way for me to express my emotions sometimes and it helps me when I do it.

And if you're going to make a career out of music you should realize that performance is only the tip of the iceberg man. There's studio musicians, producers, sound techs, promoters, talent agents, composers (for soundtracks of movies and stuff), and probably a myriad of others that I'm unaware of.