Official Off Topic Thread


I've said that I really don't want to mention anymore. Anything you hear in those pages are DEMOS. PLEASE LISTEN! THEY ARE DEMOS!

I seriously don't need any more comments, I know how to take care of myself but thx anyway. You guys just need to see me in real life to really see how I run things around here.

NOW, is anyone going to guess that test I made? :mad:

EDIT: Also, you guys must have been looking at my Visionarium page, where the demos are far crappier than the other page.
Here's the question: would some of you have reacted so snidely if it had been someone else besides Tubbs that made this post? Seems to me he catches more shit than anybody on this forum and there are times when I think it goes too far. I'm pretty sure he made his initial post right after he walked in the door from that contest and I don't think any of you can tell me honestly that you have never felt the same thing he described.
Working 13 nights straight is gonna kick my ass..but I'm gonna have a nice last minute holiday shopping paycheck to show for it. :D
And another thing... you GOTTA learn to take criticism. People will be judging your music all the time, and you can either take the criticism, ignore it, or get pissed off by it.
I know how to take criticism. Why can't I say something back? That's boring. :erk:

EDIT: You should all also understand that it's my nature to act like this. I almost always hyperbolize everything I say on the internet. So I guess I'm trying to say sorry to anyone who feels like I'm making myself sound superior to everyone.

(It could also be because of my superiority complex; yes, it's true! I actually have one. :erk:)
I'm gonna side with Tubbs. Stick it to 'em, man. You know what you want your band to sound like. Listen to what people are saying, be observant as to what's going on around you... but in the end, you know what you want to do, and you your own opinions on the scene.
Here's the question: would some of you have reacted so snidely if it had been someone else besides Tubbs that made this post? Seems to me he catches more shit than anybody on this forum and there are times when I think it goes too far. I'm pretty sure he made his initial post right after he walked in the door from that contest and I don't think any of you can tell me honestly that you have never felt the same thing he described.

Criticism =/= catching shit. I don't see anything wrong in expressing opinions and trying to criticize someone's artistic work in a good manner. Or do you prefer hypocrisy to that? :Smug:
@Rose: I do not think anyone was shitting on tubbs, we're all trying to make him feel better, and try to make him understand why it happened the way it did. Since as you said, not one of us can say we have not felt what he felt in one way or another! That being said, who is better than to help him out/give him advice/tell him how it is than those people! I know for a fact Tubbs pwns on the guitar, and I really hope he continues despite out the competition turned out, but the point myself and I think a few others where trying to make is if you're going to let it get to you that much, perhaps you should just forget about even trying to enter the versatile buisness known as the music industry! Thx alot for hearing me out, keep on jamming Tubbs, you know I LOVE you right ;)?

@Jax: Well congrats, working alot of hours does pay-off! Especially around the holidays, family is very important! Its not about the gifts, or getting gifts, not even given them... But when you have a kid, or a young'ing in your family who believes in Sanata Claus or even if he/she doesn't, the look on their face when they open up a present and get something that truly amazes them is priceless! So best of luck to you on your shopping Jaxita, just shop safe alot of people are getting hurt now days. (especially when shopping for Wii's and PS3's)

@MrFast: You always have so insightful words for us! And you obviously know how to click the mouse a little more than us lol. \m/